There is NOTHING better than going outside on a sunny warm day, clibing and laying in a flowering Mayday tree, and eating cherries. I did it today and was SO HAPPY. Plus, I was wearing my awesome sarong pants so I go to feel the breeze on my legs
Ah, it sounds so peaceful. I wish I could do that. We have no climbable trees around. Must search for one soon.
it was so beautiful out today, i painted my garage all day and im not even tired because it was just to nice out to be tired. but once the sun went down it did get a lil colder, but thats what a bon fire is for PEACE and LOVE
stone some cherries in an oven proof dish, then add this pastry: 4 oz of flour 1oz of icing sugar 3oz butter 1 large egg yolk (or add some water) pinch of salt sift flour/sugar/salt into a bowl, then add the butter and work it in to form bread crumbs. add the egg yolk (keep the egg white for merange (sp?) if you want) into the mix, and gently work it in. it should begin to form a dough, but if it is too dry and some water. when you can, form it into a bowl and put it in the fridge for 5-10 mins to cool when it has cooled, take it out and roll it so that it will fit on top of the fruit. Put it in the oven at gas mark 4 for 20-30 minutes (check top of pie-it should be golden brown). note-sorry, done this from memory so am using the weights i use (ounces) and a gas oven you can use this for any sort of fruit, and it's an adaption i made of pate sucre to make a sweet pastry yes yes, i know, bit random
well that recipe sounds absolutely lovely. cheers. on another note: i'd like to make love in a giant cherry cheesecake. or just about any where, come to think of it.