It's been close to 3 decades since my sister died. I still can't believe she's gone. She was the strong one in the family. She died (while still quite young), and it is ironic that a drunk driver took her life. She was so proud of the new car she'd bought 3 weeks before the crash. I don't know if the good die young. But my sister was good. Always willing to help those that needed help most. The day she died is (7/26). I've written poems about her tragic death, but nothing makes it easier for me to accept. I just long for her to tell me my taste in music sucks. Then I can remind her that Vanilla Ice is not the real deal. Rest in peace, sister. QP
:grouphug: you might want to try going to grievance counseling if you haven't tried that already doing something related to preventing drunk driving might be a fitting tribute to her, something good that is done in her memory
I am so sorry that you lost your sister at such a young age or any age. It is too hard to lose loved ones....I know all too well....
:grouphug:QP, I remember another post you made about your sister passing. A lot of people would say that she is here. And maybe she likes Janis Joplin now . Is this a special day concerning your sister?
Yeah, I tried grievance counseling the first few years after she died. It helped some, but not much. I like your idea about doing something preventing drunk driving. In fact, I think I'll bring up the subject during my next poetry reading. QP
I thank you much, Moonglow. What gets me the most is that I was always her little brother. Now I am much older than she was. She deserved more. QP
Yeah, she passed away on 7/26. This day is always a hard one for me to get through. I hope she likes Janis Joplin now QP
Not to steal the spot here QP but I lost my hubby well over a year ago and even tho I have moved on with my life after many months of tears I still feel bad, come to tears and I never know what will bring it on. Could be coming across something of his that I know he loved or someone calling on the phones and asking how I am doing. Even the odd spotting of something familiar while out on the road or at some place. I didn't do the grieving thing even tho many said they would come with me. I couldn't cry in front of strangers, good on you that you could do that, it probably helped more then you know, and maybe not. We are all different and we all deal with loss in very different ways. You are dealing with it right now just by sharing with us.
There are some losses that we never quite are able to forget and this is one of those. Your memories hopefully bring you comfort and as long as you have those memories you still have a part of her with you.
Thanks Sally. Sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. Yeah, death of a loved one is really a tough thing to happen to anyone. I always dread 7/26 (the day my sister passed away). But I try my best to remember the good times during all the other days of the year. :grouphug: QP