I sound like a robot :(

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by TrumpCards, Apr 2, 2018.

  1. TrumpCards

    TrumpCards Visitor

    This one really stupid chick once made fun of me cause my voice is monotone. I have a brother who once said I have no personality.

    I haven’t looked into it, but I’m pretty sure that happens to people because they aren’t talked to enough as a baby. If you’ve ever seen The Simpsons Halloween episode with Bart’s “evil” twin that’s locked up in the attic, that’s why I suspect what I think.

    More info would be appreciated.
  2. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    It can be a symptom of Aspergers..or autism spectrum disorder, to be current
    SpacemanSpiff likes this.
  3. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    It is not just a matter of your voice, but more how you use it to interact with other people.
    Take your conversations into smaller bites, slow down and maintain eye contact with the person who you are talking to, giving them time to fully absorb what you are saying and interact. If they appear to be loosing interest, save the rest of the subject until a later date.
    Some people can engage with long conversations, but others cannot and will simply turn off and blame you for the way that you interact with them.
  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    But Bart's brother, Hector, was well spoken so no real coincidence lol. I don't think a personality really stems from what your vocals produce but I understand the reasoning behind that. Do you get excited about anything? Or are you socially awkward and just feel odd about showing emotion in public? I suffer huge social anxiety but I've learned to just, honestly not care anymore. I fell as if, if someone is going to put me down for being me then, kinda like fuck them. :p it's the cute things that get people excited that makes them adorable.

    My parents barely showed and emotion or excitement growing up. I'm only 30, but I'll be squealing when I'm 40 going through drove through for macnuggets.
  5. TrumpCards

    TrumpCards Visitor

    Actually his name was Hugo. For your first question, I do have normal human emotions, though there were at least a couple of times as a teenager when I became manic (no clue why, I’m not bipolar). For your second question, throughout my whole life I’ve been very socially awkward, though thankfully my self-esteem and my conversation abilities have improved drastically within the past few years. For a long time, I was stuck in various communal living situations with very fucked up people that talked shit to me all the time, which caused depression, stress, anxiety, anti-social behavior, and even suicidal ideation. But I feel much better now since I’m living in a one room apartment and can easily dissociate from fucked up people :)

    No, that’s not it.
  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Hugo that's it, I knew it started with a H. :p
    No wait. Hugo is Hector in Deutsch. :innocent:
  7. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    does not compute.
    Orison likes this.
  8. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Well, if your voice sounds like this, you would actually sound pretty cool and looked up to. These are the coolest robot voices EVER

    Orison likes this.
  9. I wouldn't worry too much about it. You do have a personality. Don't worry about people...it all depends on the person. I wouldn't think anything of it, myself, and would be happy to have your company I'm sure.
  10. TrumpCards

    TrumpCards Visitor

    Thank you
  11. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I once loved this game.
    Eric! likes this.
  12. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    That's Berzerk, right?
  13. deleted

    deleted Visitor


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