Way better than dogs. They are cleaner, and quieter, and eat less (generally speaking). :beatdeadhorse5:
and they are prtty fun to play with, so r dogs, but cats play a different way. i have a weakness for kittens
I Have No Idea What This Says But I'm Betting It's Says Something Nasty About Cats...Grrrrrrr...:elf: Cheers Glen.
ALERT!! ALERT!! Everyone take a chopper and dropped into the soup. I REPEAT: TAKE A CHOPPER AND DROPPED INTO THE SOUP!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP4NMoJcFd4"]Songify This - CAN'T HUG EVERY CAT (now on iTunes) -- a song about loving cats - YouTube
well i relate to cats. their ability to appreciate affection without being obsessively dependent on it. their ability to not deny their emotions while at the same time not trusting them. their sleep and eating habits also somewhat closely resemble my own.
I also have some of these similarities. Cats are more low maintenance then dogs. I've never really seen a high strung cat... although I'm sure some cats can be maniacs.
well not really endless. it expects you to pet it until it's tired of being petted, then it bites the fuck out of your hand to tell you it's had enough.