EVERYTHING TASTES LIKE FUCKING GARBAGE THANX TO THE GOVT IN THIS COUNTRY!!! Remove Sodium,Remove Fat,etc.......... TASTES LIKE CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to Panera today and I got a Bowl of supposedly "Creamy" tomato soup..... IT WAS DISGUSTING... The Soda I had (Pepsi) tasted like crap........... (Weakend/watered down verison of what it used to be) I AM SO FUCKING DISGUSTED @ WHAT THIS WORLD HAS BECOME AND IM SORRY IF PEOPLE DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT IM SAYING!!!!!!! The things I still do love are Clear Value Macaroni and Cheese (mmmmmmmmmmmmmm) Pre-2000 "M&Ms" in planters Nut and chocolate trail mix (Made like M&Ms used to be before 2000 (With Reg milk)) Tootie Fruitie Cereal HI-C Orange Drink RC Cola Coke Those are just a few.... I REALLY DONT FEEL LIKE GOING OUT TO EAT ANYMORE........ ITS ALL CRAP WITH HARDILY ANY FLAVOUR OR ITS DISGUSTING!!!!!!!
You need to get into some other, different food, dude. Seriously, cause the food I've been eating lately has been freaking delicious. Go buy some fresh ingredients and make some stuff of your own. More work, sure....but well worth it.
Yea, I can't stand it when I go out to restaurants or order take in and am just disappointed with the food when I could have made something here for cheaper and have it taste much better. Just finished eating some corn on the cob and some blueberry muffins that I made this morning (with a TON of yummy, fat, juicy blueberries)....strange combo maybe but delicious. Oh.... as for tomato soup.... you can make that really easily and have it taste REALLY good. Tomatoes are in season (at least here anyways) right now anyways. All you really need is tomatoes, chicken broth and cream and.or cream/milk, and onions (if you want them) and seasonings. It's really good too. And you can make it as chunky or as smooth as you want. God, that sounds good right now.
Yeah seriously home cooked food is where its at. I dont bother eating out anymore except for a couple of my favorite ethnic restaurants because i can't really make it as well at home, other than that most restaurants are crap.
Them removing sodium is a good thing, warm it up and add sea salt,,, better for you, or as said above, try to make your own stuff. That processed stuff is crap, it's meant to kill us. No wait! It's actually meant to make us sick so we can spend lots of money on their controlled drugs meant to make us comfortably ill for long periods of time. I had a diet coke the other day to avoid the sugar, I had metal mouth for hours after, I finally went to brush my teeth and then wondered why I didn't do that earlier. Water afterwards helped as well. I don't know if I was tasting the can or the chemical sweeteners. I don't drink pop often, maybe about 6 in a month but I do try to stay to the clear ones like 7-up or Gingerale but those are starting to taste like crap too.
The sweeteners they use in diet drinks have been proven to be carcinogenic and really aren't any healthier than all the sugar and hfcs in regular soda. All soda, diet or not, is pretty horrible for you Also, I've read that its actually better to wait a while before brushing your teeth after drinking soda. Soda softens the enamel on your teeth and if you brush right after you'll brush the enamel off. Its better to rinse with water and wait a couple of hours for your enamel to harden before brushing.
But if you stop eating what will you have to whine about? Oh yeah... any music that wasn't from the 80's, I forgot. Carry on then. :cheers2:
That's why I don't drink it much at all. My weird thing is I want a cold rush in my mouth and then it's not even interesting to me so. I tend to waste lots more then I drink. There is a new one out that supposedly uses no sugar and no chemical sweeteners, it's called Zevia, using stevia, it still tastes like something is wrong with it but it would be better then those other diet sodas. My hubby used to rag on me for leaving cans of pop around nearly full and BF now does the same. I have been told to buy the mini bubbas for myself and even then I don't finish them all. The only way I ever drank a full pop was in a rye and coke, probably because the booze hid the taste or because I was doing it to get drunk. I would get drunk at the club and buy a pop to go home with and in the morning it was great to find that on my bedside table. I had a terrible habit back then of wanting a swig of pop when I woke up. And yes, if you brush your teeth with in a half hour of drinking pop or eating citrus type foods you do ruin the enamel on your teeth. It's partly why I wouldn't do it after my pop and suffered the metallic taste instead.
no, no, no, what he needs to get into is a facility with the professional psychiatric care he certainly could use. :2thumbsup:
Didn't he just make a thread about how clear value mac n cheese tastes terrible nowdays? (and now he's saying he loves it...mmmmm)
I wouldn't call what you eat "food." I think "food-like products" is more accurate term. And those food-like products used to have insane and unhealthy amounts of sodium, sugar, trans-fat and chemicals... That's what used to give them that "rich" flavour. So yeah, when you actually start using real food in your meals, believe me, you'll really enjoy it Do yourself a favour and take better care of yourself.
Yeps, change your food choices. Lots of good and tasty food out there. It only seems like you described because you seem to insist on eating the same brands and rubbish you used to get in the 80's. I mean mac 'n cheese, coke and fruity cereals? That's not living, that's surviving dude!
If you can't eat food any more you can always eat less but you will eat. The measure you give is the measure you receive and if food that is responsive to your tastes is what you want then invest yourself in learning how to prepare food to your tastes. Why do you rely on others to do it for you in the form of processed food or restaurants? Of course you are disinterested but it is not their problem.