I Play the Pick Three Lottery.

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by MeAgain, Jan 10, 2024.

  1. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Normally I don't play the lottery, I'd just as soon throw my money out of the window of a fast moving train, but for Christmas my sister in law got us a ticket to some church sponsored lottery based on the real Pick Three Lottery.
    I said, "This looks illegal to me," but she assured me that they had a permit or tax number or something and everything would be just fine. So not to worry.

    The way it works is you get this card with three numbers printed on it like 666, and then every day of the month you check the REAL Pick Three Lottery and if your number comes up you win money.
    Now, depending on the order of the numbers you get lots of money or tons of money, supposedly.

    So if the REAL Lottery number is 123 and you have 321, you get some money, 213 you get another amount of money, 312 a different amount...and so on.
    If nobody gets the number the church just keeps all of the money.
    Which is what I believe happens.

    Anyway, normally my wife checks the number everyday and then tells me, "We didn't win."
    I don't check because I already know we didn't win so why bother?

    But today my wife was busy so she asked me to check the number.
    Luckily we have one of those Alexa machines sitting beside the toaster that we use to try to get to play 60s classic rock everyday when we play Scrabble (TM) but which can't understand us and always ends up playing 50s music which is okay 'cause I like that too, except that it always ends up playing tons of Elvis music which I don't particularly care for.

    So I asked Alexa what the Pick Three number was for today.
    But being a man I had no idea what day it was.
    The last time I looked at a calendar it was, like 1992, or something as there aren't anymore gas stations with calendars that display scantily clad women like this hanging in the service bay:


    So why bother?
    Oh, I know my magic phone has a calendar on it somewhere, but it doesn't have any pictures of scantily clad women on it either. I checked.

    So, being a man, as I said before, I said "Alexa, what where the Pick Three numbers for January 17th, 2024." And she told me!
    Now if you're a man I'll let you in on a little secret, January 17th, 2024 is seven days away, in next week!
    (I found this out when my wife informed me of that fact.)

    But the point is Alexa, obviously using AI, looked into the future and told me next week's winning Pick Three number! She said it was 3, something, something. Or something like that, I wasn't really listening as Alexa is a women. Artificial at that. Some kind of robot I imagine.

    So that's why I'm sitting here at 12:47 at night typing on this stupid computer. I can't sleep as I'm trying to remember those numbers.

    But when I do..Ho Boy! I won't have to hang around here talking to you losers.
    I'm going to start my own platform and Skip and Zen will have to jump to my tune!!

    12:55 now.
    Three, something, something.....
    skip and ~Zen~ like this.
  2. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    ~Zen~ likes this.
  3. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Thanks for my good morning laugh!
  4. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    That's an interesting way to award prizes at a lottery. I firmly believe there should be many more top winners of lotteries. Why not give each winner $1,000,000, instead of one person getting over a billion. There's no way that money will end up benefiting more than a few people. Instead give 1,000 people the top prize. It will change their lives.

    NO, instead it's' all about Capitalism. Less for you means more for me....REALLY? Doesn't have to be that way. Nor does society at large need these stupid contests that just get people to throw away money when many have so little to spare. Instead give a homeless person your lottery money. They need it more. That is what makes you a WINNER!
    MeAgain likes this.
  5. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    Slightly offsubject. But i prefer nickel or even penny videopoker. & missouri did a dumb thing by only allowing slots in most public places. But several casinoes offer videopoker. Toofar away from me. Funny too most casinoes consider actual slots same as videopoker. Big difference between the two.
  6. Constantine666

    Constantine666 Members

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    I stopped playing lotto when I found out that all Lottery Winnings are considered Taxable Income in the USA. Winnings from $1 to $1,100 are taxed at 10%
    If you buy a ticket from an authorized Deal, they do know who you are.
    ~Zen~ likes this.

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