ok, so i just had to go and look it up in the dictionary, it says its a piece of dried nasal mucus, thats even ewwwwwwier!!
so eye boogers must be dried up eye mucus...........gawd this is just gross. and speaking of dust particles, i watched on the news that its actually dust particles that make champagne bubble. the more the dust particles the more bubbles........isnt that a lovely thought..
__________________ Mucus, nose hairs and your body temperture has to harden the the snot while your nose forms a ball.
That is correct. But the fact of the matter is indoor dust is mainly skin while outdoor dust is mainly pollen. So when you eat a booger in the winter, you are actually performing a cannibalistic act! Happy munching!
_________________ I was right as well I just left out the dust. Here is someone with way too much nothing to do. http://www.coolquiz.com/trivia/explain/docs/booger.asp
Yep...it's all just random junk the hair in your nose managed to snag...and that random junk is flakes of skin, bits of hair, dust, itty bitty critters, hair...
boogers are made up of dust and dirt particles that the little hairs in your nose catch and they are also made from the mucous that is in the back of your throat