i have one awesome pan, i can cook anything in it. i love it but it'd be nice to have at least two more of the same brand, that way i could make a proper meal.
i have a bunch of pots and pans, but i don't think i've ever made what most people would consider a proper meal. honestly i'm not even sure where all my pots and pans came from. they just seem to accumulate somehow.
I bought a cast iron pan a few weeks ago and it is wonderful. I may never use anything but cast iron again
i have a cast iron pan with lid and a flat griddle cast iron too, love them both this new pan is something else though. i made rice in it several times now and am impressed every time. it taste better than the rice i make in the rice cooker. fish took eight minutes to cook in the pan... 8 freaking minutes! and i didn't have to heat up the place with the oven