The Triplets, my granddaughters, are 12 years old and have each painted some art they want to sell online. I want to name their "studio" and then give each girl credit for her own paintings. Help me name the studio.
Puella Studio Puer es Studio Terni Studio Puella in Latin is "girl, damsel, virgin, Maiden, young woman, child" Puer es is child in latin Terni is triplet in Latin Or maybe Wonderland Studio, after Alice in Wonderland.
Wow! I especially like the UFO one. They are talented. I can't think of a good name, though. Three Amigos maybe.
Little Impressions Art Gallery Three-leaf Clover Art Gallery Purple Cow Art Emporium Triangle Art Studios The First True Number Art Expo Past Present Future Art Studio Creative Art Gallery Three little Artists studio Three little Rascals Art Studio
Is there anything that all three of them absolutely love and have something in common- maybe an animal, flower, colors, etc.?