Her parents visited and she cant call me tonight.. I cant sleep. I know none of you care but this is what this forum is for i guess..
lol you guys have a lot of questions... im not complaining, i enjoy it. her parents are spending the night because they live far away.. why cant she call me? because shes spending time with her parents.
there going to sleep soon...so im gonna call and see if i can wake you up here in a lill. or maybe ur still up playin guitar or something. i cross my fingers cuz i cant sleep either
my parents are here visiting and its rude. there almost asleep so i will call soon...hope hes still up..its pretty late there
my mom is in bed my dad is working on his computer...so im here on mine..talking to him at the same time
big deal whats the difference other than freedoms he knows what hes doing as well as she if he were 18 and she 23 would you have anything to say i would think you of all people being in love with colenzo would be able to see outside the 'norm'