I Met a Black-eyed Child

Discussion in 'Psychic' started by tikoo, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    she is a new-born baby and the sclera of her eyes is black .
    i know her parents . before i got around to asking if the baby
    is blind , they moved away . i worry for them . i think they
    likely went into Canada to be with friends in a religious community .

    the following is a reprinted intro to an article about black-eyed
    children . it's enough to illustrate a troubling mind-set that persists .

    Editor's Note: Please pray to God for protection before reading this article.
    And pray against these creatures. Just reading about these beings may be
    enough to tune into their evil energy. I woke up in the middle of the night
    with a nightmare after writing this article, which virtually never happens to

    Black Eyed Beings / Black Eyed People are not people. Their eyes are totally
    black, even the white part. They give off an aura of evil. And they often ask
    for permission to enter human homes or cars, and mean great harm to the
    human. I found two reports that said that they don't show up on a video camera.
    It is possible that there is more than one kind of black eyed being.

    well , yes , there are black-eyed horses and lizards also .
  2. Mothman

    Mothman Senior Member

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    Yeah I've heard of the black eyed children. I think they are supposed to be supernatural and not actually have parents though. As in they are not really children at all but using that disguise to gain entry for an assault on trusting victims.

    The child you saw if he/she had an actual family may be afflicted with something else. I am not an expert on this subject so I could be wrong in my understanding of the story of black eyed children.
  3. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Sounds like Salem witch hunt....with that explanation. Ihope the doctors can figure out the reason for this and help that poor baby.....
  4. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    born having eyes of a different color is an affliction ? i spose for her birthday
    parties her friends could wear the full-eye black contacts sold for halloween .

    eye color is genetic . some families believe that psy ability is also . it's
    been reported that sasquatch is also black-eyed , and that we share
    some genetics . when i met the child she was bundled in a blanket and
    i didn't happen to see how big her feet are . black eyes are nice to
    look into . she seemed frail , though .
  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    awwwwwhhhhhh....little sweetheart.....:)
  6. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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  7. Mothman

    Mothman Senior Member

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    So Tikoo, just so I'm following you here, you seem to be suggesting in your first post that this child with black eyes could be tied in with the myth of black eyed children which are pure evil and you even stated that you were worried for them(the family)...but when I try to bring some sense into the conversation and explain that the mythical black eyed children don't have families(unlike the child you saw) because they are not thought to even be human and that this kid has "black sclera's"(your words) for non evil/supernatural reasons possibly due to some "affliction"(naturally black sclera's are virtually unheard of), you feel that my line of thinking should be questioned?
  8. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I guess I am lost with this thread. These are people you don't know who just showed up at your door?
  9. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes, exactly :2thumbsup:

  10. Mothman

    Mothman Senior Member

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    That is how the myth goes. None of these beings ever showed up at my door and the family tikoo mentioned were actual people that he knew so they can't really be these things...

    The myth is that this things will knick on your door while your home and tell you they need to come into use your phone or something like that. They present themselves as children to gain your trust and can even manipulate your mind a bit and get you to open up unless you get creeped out enough to snap out of it, which some people do according to the stories.

    Others are approached in their vehicles by these things who need a ride home. The theory is that they need permission to enter...you have to let them in and it is thought that they will do something nefarious upon entry but no one that actually lets them in survives to say what happens next.

    I know a little about the myth but I don't really believe in these beings at all and have not had any experiences with them either.
  11. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    a black-eyed child exists . she may well someday encounter the obscene mythology
    that she is to be considered evil . she may read in a book that she is evil . she may
    hear it on the radio that she is to be feared .

    i will sometimes be unfairly feared like that also .
    a psy freak
  12. Mothman

    Mothman Senior Member

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    Ah so that's what you were saying. That makes much more sense.

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