Luckily, the venue (my backyard) wasn't booked on the date I wanted. I woke up about a half hour before the wedding started. Both guests were on time. They said there was no traffic. The weather held out. Short ceremony- about 5 minutes. I got the pictures back right away. Less than ten minutes after my wedding ended, I was selling my veil on eBay. I'm going to write a book about how to plan a wedding for less than $20.
My wedding was almost the same in concept. The venue (the Sands of the Bahamas) wasn't booked on the date we wanted. I got dressed in about a half hour before the wedding started. 4 guests were on time. They said there was no traffic. The weather held out. Short ceremony- about 5 minutes. I got the pictures back in 24 hours. I didn't sell my wife's veil on eBay. I'll buy your book about how to plan a wedding for less than $20. OFF TOPIC: I enjoy reading and replying to your posts. This one I'm trying to decipher if your happy with your wedding or being sarcastic. Imo your wedding was just as special as mine. Its about two people wanting to spend the rest of their lives together. It doesn't matter how many people, how much money or where it is. The only thing that matters is the two people staring into each other's eyes saying their vows and the kiss of all kisses. If your happy with your wedding, there's nothing for me to decipher. My wife and I would have been honored to have your wedding day planned the same. Peace to you Flutter, I wish you well.
Not an original idea but still an interesting concept......... Hotwater
I like your idea to plan a wedding for $20.00. I've had some ideas of how to have an expensive wedding myself.
Did you say you married yourself as in there was no one else (bride/groom), just you being married to yourself?
It's always weird to click on these old threads, not realizing that they aren't new threads, and realize that you already posted in them 2 years ago. It's even weirder when what you thought you might post is what you already posted.
but did you marry a self who can support you? my wife and i, when we married were members of a religion that has no priesthood, not even by some or any other name. and ours was outdoors also. participant catered and even the entertainment was by members, all donated to each other. people did buy us gifts though. this was back in 1996. she died in 2009 of c.o.p.d.
I married myself, but it didnt work out First few months I couldnt keep my hands off myself, but then I started to use sex as a weapon and started resenting myself for it, I would argue more and more with myself - "why wont you touch me?....why!"