I love reading mysteries

Discussion in 'Fiction' started by Deleted member 313117, Nov 5, 2019.

  1. I always read before I go to bed. I love a good mystery. My favorite author right now is a woman named Louise Penny. I love her books. She has an older character in her books, who is the head of the homicide department and he appears in all her books. He's such a cool character. .
    She's written fifteen books and I got them all!
    DrRainbow likes this.
  2. Devan Rojek

    Devan Rojek Senior Member

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    I enjoy mystery/suspense novels, too. I'm currently re-reading a book by Carlene Thompson called Since You've Been Gone. I need to by more books soon. I've been thinking Nicci French novels, because they have written a series that centres around a psychotherapist, and it sounds interesting.
    ncbumpkin likes this.
  3. That's funny...I was just at Barnes and Noble yesterday looking in the mystery section and that author, Nicci French caught my eye. Her books look really good. Thanks for mentioning her.
    By the way, I googled that author and found out the following...
    Nicci French is the pseudonym of English husband-and-wife team Nicci Gerrard (born 10 June 1958) and Sean French (born 28 May 1959), who write psychological thrillers together.
    So, a husband and wife team are writing those books. The books sound interesting and they've written alot of them. Since I have almost completed reading all fifteen books by Louise Penney, I need some new authors.
    I love a good mystery but I'm turned off to profanity, sex and excessive violence in books. There lies the challenge for me in finding good mystery authors .
  4. Devan Rojek

    Devan Rojek Senior Member

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    You welcome. :sunglasses:

    Yep, that's basically why I've referred to the author as "they". :)

    I think that makes finding any good book a bit of a challenge, lol. I'm lucky that way, I can tolerate all of those for the most part as long as they don't go overboard. Sort of like the TV show Bones where the gore aspect is pretty over the top(I think they did that on purpose, lol), but the comedic element is also very prominent that I can still enjoy it.
  5. I missed your "they" reference..
  6. Devan Rojek

    Devan Rojek Senior Member

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    It's no problem. The books I was talking about, by the way, are the ones with the days of the week in each title. The first installment is called "Blue Monday". I should order it soon.
  7. I'm one of those people who like reading books in order so I was going to check to see the first three books they wrote and buy them..
  8. Another author, Victoria Laurie, also caught my eye..
  9. Devan Rojek

    Devan Rojek Senior Member

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    I'm like that, too. That's why I kind of had to stop reading this particular sci-fi novel series called Area 51 by Robert Doherty(currently under the name Bob Mayer) after I couldn't find the 5th installment and had to settle for buying the 6th and 7th books. Same kind of went for Kelley Armstrong's "women of the otherwords" series books where I'd avoided reading the sequel book to the very first installment of the series. That was up until they started showing the TV show based on the first book. Then I was like, "oh well, I might as well read the 2nd book now", lol.

    Victoria Laurie, eh.... Ghost Hunter, Psychic Eye... Hmm, sounds like something I might enjoy, actually. Cheers for that!
    ncbumpkin likes this.
  10. The book that caught my eye by her, I believe, is a new one.. It's a hardcover called Coached to death.. It looks good. .
  11. I also love David Rosenfelt books. He writes about a lawyer named Andy Carpenter. I'm reading his new one, now. It's the 20th book in this series. I've read them all.. I find them incredibly entertaining. .
  12. Devan Rojek

    Devan Rojek Senior Member

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    Right on, I enjoy legal thrillers, too. I think I got into the John Grisham stuff initially, but then later my girlfriend at the time would lend me some books with similar themes. Speaking of which, I once read a book called The Thirteenth Juror by an author whose name I can't remember unfortunately. It was more than 20 years ago.

    Anyway, the Life Coach series looks pretty interesting, too. It says it's the first of the series. Pretty cool.
    ncbumpkin likes this.
  13. So, I recently went back to my elementary school where a teacher I once had was being honored. We talked for a long time and she said to me, "Sierra, I knew you would do well in life. I knew it when you were in my second grade class ."
    So, I asked, "How did you know that?"..to which she replied, "I could always tell immediately which kids had parents who read to them".....and my parents, indeed, started reading to me at a young age..
    Seeing her again and hearing her tell me that is something I'll always remember..
  14. bft4evr

    bft4evr Senior Member

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    This is such a cool thing to hear. My mom read to me alot as a kid. She told me I really enjoyed it. Her reading to me is one of my fondest childhood memories. I always read to my kids too.
    ncbumpkin likes this.
  15. Thanks..I agree...Reading is everything..So great that you read to your kids. .The best parents do.
    Unfortunately, I know many parents of friends who never did and their kids struggled through college. ..I didn't. .
  16. bft4evr

    bft4evr Senior Member

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    Parental involvement has so much to do with how the kids turn out. Do you like the medical thrillers Michael Crighton has written?
    ncbumpkin likes this.
  17. Jurassic Park.. The Andromeda Strain.. I've read some of his stuff..
  18. tourguidewv

    tourguidewv Members

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    I'm an avid reader, and also read to my kids when they were young. Unfortunately, neither of them enjoy reading (nor did they in school). Their dislike of reading certainly showed in their grades. I always try to get them to understand that if you read frequently, you can learn to do anything.
    ncbumpkin likes this.
  19. Thats good advice. .hope they listen. ..
  20. Sorry. duplicate post..

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