I love pills! What are some pills I can get high from?

Discussion in 'Other Drugs' started by Weed&Speed2008, Mar 19, 2008.

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  1. Bonkai

    Bonkai Later guys

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    It's used to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and anxiety caused by depression. When i take it just calms me down and the more I take the more chill i become however I took a ton before and didn't remember anything i did after that the next day. Hope that helps!
  2. Weed&Speed2008

    Weed&Speed2008 Member

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    Thanks it does man. So i'll just go to the doctor and say I'm always nervous so i can't consentrate or something
  3. Captain Cannabis

    Captain Cannabis Banned

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    Haha your addicted
  4. Captain Cannabis

    Captain Cannabis Banned

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    They usually catch those people....

    Not just usually, more like... 99 percent of the time
  5. Bonkai

    Bonkai Later guys

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    TBH i have no idea what to say, i've always gotten my bars for a dealer or, my ex. Just be convicing is the only advice I can give you, just don't steal the docs prescription pad.
  6. Edd.tokes.to.much.

    Edd.tokes.to.much. Member

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    For this post i am going to presume that your are probally going to call me stupid or gay or that i have bad spelling or grammer... so here it goes. You oblivously have no respect for yourself or your prioritys in life as all drugs are powerfull and worthy of your respect. I could understand if you had come here saying something along the lines of 'ive smoked weed a few times and tried speed etc. and am looking for something that doesnt require contacts but can give me a nice SAFE high' but no instead you insist on insulting the other older more noligable posters who are trying to give you the benefit of there experiances. I would very much like you to leave these forums of your own accord or i (and most likely others) will have to report you to the moderators if you continue on this hatefull mission as you are turning these forums into negative place to be... or you could be more posative and atleast play with the idea of listening to people willing enough to impart there wisdom to others such as you or i, being rude to people whos advice you dont approve is the best way to stop those people doing it. Think about what you say or type as it does have an affect on other people.
    Now i wait upon the hatefull ignorant hyparcritical barage that shall insue.
  7. salmon4me

    salmon4me Senior Member

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    Haven't decided what to do with this thread yet. For now, it's closed.
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