Hi! I've got it like this... Few months ago I realized I was alway different. Like I mean I was in love with women and not only once. But with men as well. That way I realized I was bi curious cause I've never really had a relatiship with a woman but it turns me so on! I'm sure I'm bi like 100% But... I still haven't told like anyone - just my pen friend who came to me first as bi so I did the same thing. Well but I was ashamed that he knows and for instance my best friend doesn't. IT just so bad for me... I know she'll totaly understand and support me and all these nice stuff but that doesn't change the fact I'm afraid to tell her. I would appreciate a little advice how to tell her. What would be best for me? cause every time I tell myself I'll do it this time I always start thinking about what if isn't that serious... What if I wait until I have some real experience. I know that's bad and i urgently NEED to tell her I feel it inside but everytime I am really prepared it always happens to me... What do I do?