Have that feeling that you have after a breakup when you don't know if you are Arthur or Martha, can't stay still, but can't do anything either. Can't concentrate, can't stop crying. It hurts so much.
So, Are You Going To Remain In A Strange Country, Or Are You Going To Take The First Flight Out Of There....??? Cheers Glen.
I am sorry you are hurting but I think you did the right thing. From several of your posts your relationship has become toxic. Thinking of you and sending :grouphug:
That's natural. and it obviously hurts. Next thing is-- be strong, compose yourself and forget the past. Look forward. Future holds immense potential.
I'm sorry you're in so much pain. It sounds like you did the right thing though. take care of yourself.
As time passes, I believe you will see this whole episode in your life as a learning experience. Our brains are kind to us in that way. It may teach you what you will NOT put up with in future relations, which IMO is a lesson well worth learning. 'Come home', wherever that may be.
Thanks everyone. It's 2.10 am and still no sleep. But I wrote him out an email explaining exactly how his parents behaviour affected me - as he broke up with me because his parents asked him to choose between them and me, yup he chose them ). It helped so much to get everything down - kind of helped to sort out my mind a little. I don't mind if I don't get a reply. I have to see him tomorrow to get the money, and then that's it - I will be keeping my distance. And yes GlenGlen - thinking seriously about going back home where I have a support network and can speak the language. Only thing is - I have a job lined up here.
I agree that it sounds like you did the right thing. Sometimes we look back on what felt like some of our most painful moments and we realize that it was the best thing that could have happened to us at that point. I hope this is one of those moments for you.
Hi Wiccan Witch, I'm sorry for your pain. I think if I were you I would go back home. You can get another job, go back to Korea or somewhere else another time. Since you've just had something you were so invested in completely broken, I think you might need loving people around you to help you get yourself back together. The kind of disarray that you're experiencing from being so deeply involved with a person and then not having anyone else around you that is familiar will probably make it even tougher to enjoy staying there, even with a great job. I'm wishing you the best during this tough time and tough decision.
Sorry about what you are going thru, most of us have been there in our past's as well. It is not an easy thing to deal with but I would suggest going home as well if for nothing else to be somewhere you won't be reminded of him plus you will have support from friends and family. Peaceful thoughts your way.....
Sorry to hear that and even more so when I read the reason for it. As hard as it is right now to be with someone who does not place you first is even more difficult with time. Heal and move on to a better place and happier environment. If you can get home so that you have support that will help but if not you are a strong lady and you will thrive. HUGS!
Time will heal all wounds and the beautiful memories will eventually stay and bring a smile to your face from time to time. Love, bird.