I am excited for the time that I smoke again, because I'm gonna get the finest dank on the planet, set everything up perfect and proceed to scare the living shit out of myself. Most likely I will be alone, outside, and away from the hustle-bustle, but not necessarily way out in nature.. probably the bike path or something. I have no idea when this will be, not anytime real soon though. I'm enjoying the clarity and the non-money spending. it definately won't be with any of my dimwit friends that i always thought they smoke pot wrong anyway. just thought you would all enjoy this little piece of information...
if anything i should buy a bunch of coke and rock it up... I would never dream of touching it and turn it into pure profit.. However, I've no experience doing such things and I fear I would ruin the whole thing. That would be stupid as fuck.
crack cocaine lost its momentum where I live,, while there may be a few crackheads left. Not enough to make any money from.
all you need is one if you're not trying to keep up with your own habit or suppliment your income.. Slow money is better than no money
Coke to crack is easy. But the money is in Meth now. I sold coke for a while. You don't want to do it if you have a soul. People would give me $200 and call 2 hours later wanting more and willing to trade for it. I was offered so much sex it's ridiculous. They just didn't want to crash. I had the best customers too, rich white people who could afford it.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/25I-NBOMe i wouldnt have the equipment or the knowledge, but i'd like to see someone try it
I've temporarily quit. The clarity and not eating munchies is awesome. I thought I would get some motivation back though =P
Nicee a professional tactic to help you get lit like a mofo the next time you smoke. Everyone knows this.
Its been just over three years for me (drug tested at the job I changed too so cant) But so hanging just to get totally baked and go to the beach. If there was a god, pot would be her greatest creation
I Have Never Heard Of Job Drug Testing Here In OZ, I Thought All That Bullshit Was Confined To The US, May I Ask What Line Of Work You Are Employed In....??? Cheers Glen.
What used to be called the Ministry of Transport, kind of standard in some parts of the gov now. My brother has been working for mining companies in WA for a couple years, doesnt seem to be able to hang on to one job all that long recently since it all fell flat, but drug testing for him standard for every job he's been in
I'm jumping on the wagon myself. Haven't blazed in almost a week. I'm also finding it tough to eat a full meal since. Hunger is at a bare minimum.