I gotta buy my wife a specific Vera Bradley purse for Vagitines day. I hate the mall. I hate the traffic I hate the people I hate the smell I hate the food I hate the parking I hate the physical layout of the place I hate the business hours I hate the location I hate the sound of being there I hate the salespeople I hate the vapidity I hate the dirty ass ceiling that's got bird nests and shit all in the skylight, I hate the price of things, but I love my wife and that's what she wants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nztJfxuEIs4"](explicit) Overkill - I Hate (lyric video) - YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY_bhVSGKEg"]Robin Sparkles-Let's Go To The Mall' (full version). - YouTube
aw man, I kinda just want to go to the mall to go stare at all the guys buying undies at Victoria's secret today..cuz I think it's funny
I totally agree with you about malls. The last time I was in one was around 2005 when I helped my parents go to get my Mom a new house robe. I stay away from malls like the plague.
I love your post. Not just because I hate the mall and agree with everything you said but I think the last line is so sweet. Print a picture of the purse, give it to her and tell her to go buy it herself. hahaha.
Next year, I highly recommend online shopping. I do almost all my shopping exclusively online, even ny grocery shopping.
yeah I wanna do that. Im waiting for soylent to start shipping to international. https://campaign.soylent.me/soylent-free-your-body no more grocery shopping after that.
Haha, I just wish my husband would go to the dollar store and buy me something cute for Valentine's You know, just to make a small effort one Valentine's. But I have a good feeling that I'll spend the weekend disappointed, just like every other 15th of February. lol
you would probably like the local mall here. the side with kmart and jcpenny has probably about 30% of the spaces filled. there's a full sized food court in the center that has nothing but one pretzel shop still operating in it. then on the other side, there's probably around 30 storefronts of which there are literally 3 still in operation. it's actually a little bit eerie walking down that side of the mall.
I wish we had a KMart... Also, I remember when I was a kid, there were 2 or 3 malls in Amarillo (about an hour from here). One of them had a couple little restaurants in it and a few little storefronts, more like a flea market than a mall. I guess that was originally the first mall in town. Then there was one that my parents did a lot of Christmas shopping at with a really big fountain on the ground floor and a cool arcade on the second floor. And they had a Furr's cafeteria that we ate at like every single time we went to town. There was a Montgomery-Ward's and a Service department store as far as big chain department stores went. Service had the best toy section ever when I was a kid. And they had a really good Santa Clause at Christmastime. Then all those stores closed, they built a huge nightclub (Graham Central Station, apparently they have those in like Dallas or something, too) and all that was really there was Graham's and Furr's. Then they leveled all that a few years back and now there's a Burlington Coat Factory, a Petco, a couple other stores, and a Cheddar's. And then there's the other mall which I guess won the mall battle because it's still open and has a bunch of chain departments. I like going there because they have an Earthbound Trading.
The KMart by my house smells like body odor, stale cigarettes and broken dreams. I haven't been in there in probably 15 years.
SuperK closed, use to be open 24hrs, unlike walmart there was probably less than 3people in the store at once @2am. Like Zombieland. i miss that store.
The one close to me closed when I was a freshman in high school. The bathrooms smelled the worst out of any bathrooms I've ever been in, even to this day. They stunk all the way out into the layaway department and the baby clothes department that were right outside of them. And the girl's bathroom never really looked dirty, it just smelled absolutely horrific.
when my wife was alive, for v-day, we used to go to a little hippy bakery to celibrate. it was called the flour garden.