I was a quiet, awkward kid that became a quiet awkward adult. I remember meeting my best friend on the playground when I was 4 years old. I thought she was so silly, and so funny and we became inseparable. We had our own little world and preferred to play in the sand box. It was always just the two of us. And it was that way all the way until high school. We got along really well, knew what the other was thinking, could finish each others sentences, had the same views on things, very rarely disagreed. Our friendship withstood trials and tribulations. She knows Everything about me. She's always been there for me and she's still there for me, but it's not the same anymore. We're not as close anymore. We live about 50 miles away from each other now and that's much too far for me. We grew up living a short walk away from each other. I started dating in college and I had a couple of boyfriends throughout the years. I had a couple of friends throughout college because I'd always stay friends with people I've dated. I thought this could work, but I later realized it's a bad idea to stay friends with exes. It causes problems with future relationships. So after I broke ties with exes, I was pretty much left with no friends. I still talk to my best friend from kindergarten from time to time and we hang out sometimes, but she's very much occupied with her husband now. And here I am, socially awkward, just always spending time online. I'll meet friends in real life from time to time but the friendships never last. My romantic relationships don't even seem to last very long. Someone recently told me "you're lucky in finding love, but not lucky in keeping love." I can't find anyone I truly connect with. And sometimes, I even feel like I scare people off.. Sometimes I'll find people online that I feel like I could get along with so well, other odd balls, the problem is they always live thousands of miles away. I have no friends.
I don't require that someone like me for me to like them. You don't know me, but just from reading your posts, I like you. Even if you don't consider me a friend, I would be proud to be yours and I would bet anyone else here would say the same thing. That being said, I believe you have many friends here.
I also wanted to add something else. People make new friendships throughout life. I'm in my 40s and I am Awkward socially. I still have met people in the last few years that have learned to tolerate me irl. Don't worry about making friends, it happens when it happens. The same goes for finding a special someone who might be more than just a friend. When you get to be my age you can still make new friends, so you have plenty of time. Just chill with your friends here for a while. Edit: sorry I'm rambling, I'm working night shift.
Thanks guys, yeah, I guess I have a couple of online friends but I do really want some friends offline that I can hang out with. It gets kind of lonely.
there are many ways to meet people...start volunteering somewhere a couple hours a week...a hospital has a huge social aspect...volunteer as a candy striper take free or cheap courses...usually these are available through the library or community center....maybe a self defence class...take tai kwon do 30 years ago I read dale carnegies ''how to win friends and influence people''....its lame but it works also....I think you are cute...i'd bang you in a second.....but many people in society will eliminate you as an acceptable friend on account of the green hair its sad but true....society has no style so go out the door...bundle up the kid and head outside,,,,,,friends arnt gonna appear in your living room
I've volunteered for every type of place imaginable, that is mostly when I was younger, now I don't have much time for things like that. I'd make friends volunteering, more like acquaintances, but these friendships never lasted. But hospitals? I hate hospitals, on account of having some medical and mental issues... even if I didn't have issues, who would enjoy hospitals? x_x Actually, I've met one person who found them calming and one person that liked being in the hospital because he saw it like a vacation.. I have no problem at all getting banged =p My issue is that my friendships and relationships never last and I don't connect with many people. I signed up for a self defense class once. I went two two classes. My partner twisted my arm and I found the whole class kind of violent. lol. I don't stick with things very much- I'm restless, I lose interest. I've dropped many classes. Friends do appear in my living room while I'm online! I connect more with introverts that are most likely to be found online. That is the people that live far away...
Maybe this is part of the problem. Maybe that carries over into your relationships also. Friendships and relationships are hard work. They're not as easy as people try to make them look. There are plenty of times I want to tell my husband and my friends to leave me the hell alone. There are ebbs and flows to everything. Sometimes things are better than others. Sometimes it takes a little extra effort to make a friendship last. I would gladly be your friend. We could bond over our green hair, go out in public and get all kinds of compliments.
When I typed "I'm restless and lose interest," I actually paused for a second and wondered if that was my problem. But I know this applies to activities, classes, jobs... not people. I'm always the friend that wants to go out and do everything, sends a bunch of texts, tries to make plans. So I think this scares people off. I can't help it, I'm enthusiastic. And I get excited when I meet someone with similar interests. Ha, if we hung out, I bet people would ask if we were sisters just because of the hair color. I've hung out with people with similar glasses before or just glasses and gotten asked if we were related. Just....what??
So you are a stage five clinger? I don't know what the answer is. From the pictures I've seen of you, you have your own unique style. I dig it but others may be intimidated by it. People fear what they don't understand. You just have to find some likeminded unique fun people but I don't know where to tell you to go to find them. I sometimes try to convince people that blue and green are my natural hair colors. hahaha. It hasn't worked so far. They almost never believe me when I tell them I'm naturally blonde, which IS the truth. My best friend and I get mistaken for being sisters EVERYWHERE we go. Walking down the street in Boston this woman says "Oh No, you can't tell you guys are sisters at all" I was like "Ummm, we're not" She said "SHUT THE HELL UP" I love Bostonians.
If you're in my town I would chill and smoke a J with you. I'm on the other side of the world though But just so you know in case you get here! I would even shut up about your love for candy
Sadly, you may be right Slim and Ace. I find that, too....but I am still hopeful! Not everyone sucks...now, do they? can't be.... Nah, one of my roomates just found me again, and she is pretty damn sincere about her feelings about our friendship.
And I'm not asking for lots of friends. I just want one great friend. I can really only handle one relationship at a time. I like having one person always there. I like one on one.
I would imagine so. LOL Will go request your friendship right now. There are a few others there on my page, too...that are coolto me and I find them pretty ok, too. Check them out...They might be some for you, too.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm4YlZ3oYsQ"]The Beatles - And I Love Her [HQ Original Audio] - YouTube