I have come up on an idea and I am scared

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Gone and forgotten, Aug 4, 2019.

  1. you see....

    I want to do a 100 day work challenge, challenging myself. I am on day 7 now. The idea is to work 8 hours a day for 100 days straight. No days off.
    The reason I am scared is cause I looked it up on the internet and nobody has done it. Could this become big? Thought?
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I hope not because then you're just living to work and that's not cool.
  3. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Many self-employed or small business owners have been doing this all their lives. Work is good for the soul they say. Didn't hurt me, now I'm really enjoying that retirement. I once went 8 years without a weekend or vacation... zipped right by.
    GLENGLEN and Tyrsonswood like this.
  4. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Why would you want to do that? Does not compute
  5. Just a challenge and it’s with my own business. I love what I do and I think it is a real challenge
  6. It’s only 100 days
  7. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Been there, done that, didn't post it on the internet.

    (because there wasn't an internet)
  8. What should I do? Do it and not say anything?
  9. Slunted

    Slunted 'long time listener, first time caller'

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    Good luck! Its a first for you.
  10. Maybe I have flipped my lid
  11. Slunted

    Slunted 'long time listener, first time caller'

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    No more than anyone else here. You do you Rahab
  12. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    if you wish to prove to yourself that your intent is genuine, yes.

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Yep......You Nailed It..... :D .............................................................. j/k

    Cheers Glen.
  14. You are right! I do like to challenge people though. In good spirit and humor of course. Isn’t everybody up for a little challenge once in awhile? Stir things up a bit
  15. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i say no. a lot of people have worked those kinds of hours, but not because of some silly internet challenge. the same should go for you. if you really care about what you're doing, and working those hours makes sense, then so be it. but working excessively for the sake of working excessively, that's just not a good way to live.
  16. 100 day challenge, I am on day 7 , tomorrow will be day 8. I have eaten good, drank lots of water. Going to bed soon for ample rest. Up at 6 am , start at 7. The eaves on the treasurers rental property. All ladder work. Just using my 20 ft
  17. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well if you're doing something you enjoy, that's its own reward. the risk here is burnout. the loss of inspiration, the scaring away of your muse.
    i think of everything i do as working in a way, but not as work, because it isn't about money and doesn't have to be.
    but i do need diversity of what i experience and absorb, to keep up the flow of a diversity of ideas.

    just remember to eat and get enough sleep.
    Bicaptain My Captain and Slunted like this.
  18. Thank you. I am getting sleepy now...indica
  19. Your lucky you think your work is fun. If I enjoyed my work, sure I'd do it for 100 days straight. What can one say, but have fun.
  20. Thanks for the encouragement Neo, you are one of my favorite people here

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