and now as such, I can't afford the dental care that I actually need.. thanks crackheadobama I'm not supposed to be up at 430am but my tooth has decided otherwise, and will do so until it gets cut from my head. its almost a fucking mergency
I can feel every one of my red american blood cells coasting through my broken ass tooth, kicking my downtrodden nerve endings with their little redneck ass steel toed boots.
#thirdworldproblems Glad I live in the Netherlands, where we actually have excellent (nearly) free healthcare for everyone. :2thumbsup:
Can you opt into the dental plan for a few months, get the necessary work done, and then drop the plan? Maybe you can afford it for a short amount of time?
that's a really good idea but with all those hoops we had to jump through just to get the plan that we have I don't wanna go to tryin a change stuff around a lot
It would be a pain, but so would the amount of money you have to spend to pay for dental work out of pocket. Or to keep your rotting tooth. I knew someone who employed this strategy and it seemed to work for them. Good luck, anyway.
fuck obama care fuck affordable care act, fuck welfare... cant get any of those with a bench warrants. but lets give all the inmate free heath care.. come arrest me if you want your money pussies!!
call you congressmen, no change will come from bitchin here. Until we do away with for profit insurance companies nothing can change.
I rather live in a country that's for a big part below water level and having amazing engineers to keep that water out than in a country where you can be financially ruined by just having a bad tooth.
Try some oil pulling with coconut oil. My boyfriend does not have dental insurance and when he had an abscessed tooth he swished some coconut oil around for about 20 minutes a day and chewed on some raw garlic and it went away. But don't let that shit go on too long, an abscessed tooth can kill you.
It costs $100 to pull a tooth ~ it's kaffy care that is ruining people financially and like I said, bleat and brag while you can because it won't be long...oh proud, vain "atlantis" ahaha! It is a difference listening to these people that have already been neutered so long they pretend they honestly don't have a clue? Why people don't want "nanny" governments - but, they're all people who's gov does whatevet it wants with no fear or regard of them at all. At least our trash class criminals in dc still have something to fear. More to fear quickly coming too...