I have an intolerance...

Discussion in 'True Confessions' started by Libertine, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    for stupidity and superficiality.

    I have always been involved in relationships and friendships based upon depth.

    No name brand clothing, fancy pair of shoes, manufactured tan, or fake smile ever made it past just a fucking with me.

    I can't respect those who can't respect themselves as they truly are, that is my confession.

    This world, each and everyday, adds to the superficial bullshit through its manufactured, superficial bullshitters and their disciples.

    Teenagers (although not all of them) seem to fit in this category more than anyone else, however there are several teens who are much more mature than some of the people my age or older as well--even on HipForums.

    Superificiality through obsessions with appearance and fashion just gag me. I mean I am no ugly, slouchy person, but the hologram world that most sheeple live in is just one big plastic box, with one big plastic heart (not real love), and one big plastic smile (not real happiness) based on the sheeple's will to conform to the plastic society.

    I fucking hate conformists, because I believe they have chosen stupidity and I have no respect for stupid sheeple. I confess.
  2. PsychadelicTreeHugge

    PsychadelicTreeHugge Member

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    wow, no ones answered this yet. All i can say is that, well i agree with you. But im sure that doesnt help at all, it doesnt change anything. The only thing that is changing the situation right now, is time, and its not making things any better.
    People just dont care, they need their daily dose of nike and l'oreal. Another example is this whole race for technology. You HAVE to have the latest gadget, you have to have an ipod like everyone else, and a dvd player, the latest phone, the latest craze. Consume consume consume, image image image. Ppl are too preoccupied with the way you and themselves look to think about anythign of real importance. Money money money. Status status status.
  3. Ranger

    Ranger Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    While I mostly agree with your rant there are two points where I beg to differ with you.
    One, all my 'name brand' clothing (hat little I have *L*) comes from thrift shops or garage sales and my custom made Tony Lamas come from a garage sale for $5.00 hardly worn and a perfect fit. I see it as my contribution to recycling.
    Two, aside from the fact that 'stupid sheeple' is an oximoron in my book they're not forth my energy to actively hate and I think it's important to keep what lines of communication we can open or how can we ever expect to educate those that still retain some small ability to learn.
  4. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Indeed. That's my point. Although, being human, I have a tendency to get frustrated and go apeshit. Luckily, I am a word-whore and not a violent person. ;)

  5. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    hahahaha come on libertine, you say this but arent you the one that has countless posts in the hip awards with the who's the sexiest/prettiest girl and all those..
    You post things based on peoples looks all the time, and you make this thread..just seems weird..
    maybe you can explain it better cause it sorta makes ya look like a hypocrite..
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    First of all, how am I conforming to the stereotypical view of a hippie when you just immediately say afterwards that I seem to "hate" people?

    Secondly, I don't hate people, I hate conformity to such social mores as we have adopted in the regressive West.

    "Give it up?" Give what up? The rebellion? If it is just for the sake of rebellion that's one thing, but if it is a conformity to the social mores that are a stake in the heart of freedom--that's another. Conformity is conservatism.

    Fascist? Do you drink from the bottom of the glass, man? Because if you only knew what my philosophy was...it is the polar opposite of fascism. Fascism is closer to conformity than than it is freedom. You can't be a conformist and be free, just like you can't be an alcoholic and call yourself free.

    I am afraid your wires have become crossed. Where ON EARTH did you get such an idea from my posts?!? Oh, yes, you said I "hate people". :rolleyes:

    Look, I don't live my life in a make-believe happy shell. I see the poverty. I see the slavery. I see the corruption today and until we stand up against it, it will not change!

    Call it negativity. I call it progress.

    I dress comfortably. And if it were up to me, we could have the freedom to choose to go nude. How's that for "stereotype"?

    I agree. So, do not run with your preconceived notions about who I am without further examining it.

    Well, ya did. So, maybe I've helped you see where I am coming from a little.
  7. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    what if someone is bleaching their head to stand out? or coloring their hair for fun? i can't stand bottle blondes much either, unless they're going outta the norm, like hippievixen. i've dyed my hair brick red, bright orange, blue, green, because i don't wanna conform. and i like expressing myself this way. does that mean i'm a sheep?
  8. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    Then again, its superficial to judge people because of the clothes they wear, is it not?

    If you see someone dressed in a name brand, you disregard them based on appearance, and thats no better than what you think they might do to you.
  9. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I bleach me mop cos i'm an egotistical attention seeker *shrugs* didn't know i was being sheep-like doing it.....

    Stupidity doesn't bother me....yer only get as much outa life as yer put into it...and if peeps wanna go through life with blinkers on...bigger fool them I reckon :) i smoke dope, so I spent a fair portion of my life with my iq lowered anyway ....

    superficiality? fashion doesn't interest me in the slightest...and neither does wot other wear....i got better things to do than wonder wot brand of sneakers are selling this month, and couldn't care less who is buying them :D
  10. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    i like keds..
  11. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    jesus christ, you fucking conformist superficial idiot, wear a store brand or at least tear the tag off ;)
  12. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    well sometimes I paint, Store Brand, with shoe polish, that way im accepted cause people really care what stuff Im wearing. they even come over to me and pull my tag from my shirt to see what brand it is, complete strangers do this. So everything I own I either paint or color, Store Brand on it..
    (i went to far and lost all concept with this post didnt I :D)
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    You're right, KC. That was a bad analogy I used with the hair. HippieVixen is a beautiful woman and her hair suits her to a tee.

    Bad analogy, Libertine!! *kicks self*
  14. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    We're all hypocrites, mysti. However, I now know that I made a mistake in the possible wording of my rant and that I may have offended some really fine people.

    However, in the moment of "confessing" we have to show our weak sides. So, there I have shown my vulnerable side and ripped the wall down. But, at least, I am trying to confront it and realize that it is an "intolerance".

    Conformity is what I detest and living where I live it is like a group of mindless drones, apathetic to any cause, 9 to 5...etc. It's not that I don't like these people, but I feel as though it is my job to, at the very least, offer them what I have. Offer them the choice of freedom through possibly opening their minds to different things. I feel free and I want to share it...even if it sometimes comes through as arrogance, it's not.

  15. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    i work 9 -5 well, actually 7-4...i have to pay for my keds somehow...

    wait, is taht what you were talking about when you said 9 to 5..

    im sorry, but my brain is really not on at this moment.. im workin on no sleep here so yeah..bare with me...
  16. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    One more thing, I DO appreciate a woman's mind as well as her looks. Trust me. Bride can affirm to you it's true.

    I love independent and intelligent women more than most guy friends I have.

    And the 9 to 5 thing is not really what I am after as much as it is the apathy behind such people (in my area, at least) that really irritates me.

    Live and let live is a wonderful philosophy, but people who force their beliefs on us through legislation and those who fail to think for themselves really get to me, I admit.
  17. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    well, now, i think people that try too hard to be a non-conformist are pretty pitiful. they're still letting the norms of a society dictate who and what they are. i'm still me, even if i got a sweater from the gap for christmas. i'll wear it. fuck it, i'm not so worried about appearances that i'll toss a perfectly good sweater. i've had people trying to dress me my entire life, you should see my closet. but fuck it, i'll wear it. i'm not too good for a pair of levis or nikes. but i'm just as happy getting my clothes cheap at walmart or something.
  18. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    Not me, for my birthday if I get a single name brand clothing item, I burn it right in front of the givers face, fucking conformists.

    Then I put on my tie die and go to the festival, later in the evening I put on my black leather jacket and go to the punk show, just to piss off the conformist who gave me the Ralph Lauren sweater.
  19. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    But, I am referring to building one's life upon the superficialities. I don't hate the people, just the conformity of it all. I don't really care what the fuck you wear, but I am talking about people who refuse to think for themselves.

    I wouldn't want to see them injured or even oppressed in any form.

    I just get on well with people who refuse to think for themselves because they become dangerous. They indirectly become sheeple who will follow a Hitler, or a Bush, or even a Clinton dumbly and blindly....just because...
  20. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    are you wearing your facial hair in a van dyke?

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