I Have A Theory About Ghosts

Discussion in 'Psychic' started by natural philosophy, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. natural philosophy

    natural philosophy bitchass sexual chocolate

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    What if ghosts are actually just reflections of ourselves?

    What can we begin to know about ourselves by examining ghosts?

    My cigarettes continue to go missing. I tend to think it's a ghost that enjoys smoking.

    I wake up to screams in the night that may or not be my own.


    Have any of you experienced this?
  2. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    That's fucked up dude. Maybe go so a therapist.
    1 person likes this.
  3. inthelibrary

    inthelibrary Members

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    It is Satan and the Demons. Oppose the devil and he will flee.
  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    You know what a therapist will do, though? Rub their mittens together, easy money. And another citizen on medications.
  5. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    We smoke so you don't have to .

    Ya , but about having audio experiences that seem to have a presence and of a locality in space ... this
    I have been experiencing for about a year . I think of it as random art music/SFX . Listening very close , I
    hear the sound has been constructed - like it is intelligence at play with a synthesizer .

    I don't worry it . Randomness is tolerable .
  6. xXKittyxCrusaderXx

    xXKittyxCrusaderXx Member

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    I wouldn't worry about it If I were you unless it becomes menacing. I own a two hundred year old property with family graveyards and the like. Just ask it what it wants. Have you seen it before? Does he / she resemble you if not it's probably residual. My property was pretty bad when we got it very eerie and negative. There was multiple recorded deaths and nothing had been touched inside or outside of the house since the twenties. It was so overgrown you couldn't even tell their was a house. It belonged to an old woman who was a hoarder she had kept every thing she could. She had a bad case of dementia so her kids sold the property to us and pet her live with them. It took us months to get it livable again. Weird shit happened during repairs. But when we finally got the house live able and moved in it really started. The very air you breathed was oppressing. I was 5 or six at this time. I remember playing with a little boy and a white cat. Mr Lowery had also died there he was quite mean. Then at night he liked to scare people. Any way to sum it up the house had to be cleansed because of " accidents" so if you don't feel threatened like I said I wouldn't worry about it.
  7. Perfect Disorder

    Perfect Disorder Paradoxically Spontaneous

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    That is an interesting theory. What could it entail? Where do these possible reflections come from and how? My theory on ghosts involves varying perceptions of reality and I will expound if you wish.
  8. desert-rat

    desert-rat Senior Member

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    Many ghosts are human created thought forms .
  9. storch

    storch banned

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    The real kicker is that in the realm where the ghost resides, he's probably seeing you as a ghost, and is wondering where the cigarettes that keep popping up are coming from.
  10. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    The ghosts said they have theories about you, too.

    Mean girl ghosts, perhaps?
  11. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    That is actually a pretty good theory. More like ghosts can be our past selves,from when we were in different places in life. Memories of ourselves..

    Ghosts/spirits are actually known to move things and they especially like tobacco. Seeing as how this post is three years old though,I am most likely replying to a ghost :D
    But if you log back in,let us know how your ghost situation ended up...
  12. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    a lot of what gets blamed on ghosts is our subconscious mind teleporting things.
    hiding them from us in places only it can reach.

    my dreams are as if i wake up in a parallel universe when i fall asleep here,
    and wake up back here when i fall asleep there.

    i don't think either of these things have very much to so with other spirit people usually,
    though i'm sure they can and do also exist.

    and maybe where we think there are ghosts, its some kind of overlap, between universes.
  13. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    no coincidence, that's what killed them in the first place.
  14. SuperestNova

    SuperestNova Members

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    Ghosts.... I do not believe in ghosts. My mother and sister are mediums. I have a different theory. We as a species are inherently empathetic. I will use my sister as an example. What I believe happens durring some of these "readings" is she picks up on peoples feelings and manifests them in her mind as something familiar to that person. I dont believe she actually talks to ghosts

    I believe in reincarnation and we dont stay dead long. Time is also relative to perception.

    In reference to hauntings. Everything in existence holds data/information. When something traumatic happens to people like murder,rape ect... we leave behind an imprint that can remain for long periods of time. This can manifest visually or physically depending on your sensitivity and mental fortitude.

    Most of the time I believe psychics tell you what you want to hear. Does this make them bad people? I dont think so. Good and bad are both perception based. It's like a thermometer, same thing just verries in degree
  15. Bilby

    Bilby Lifetime Supporter and Freerangertarian Super Moderator

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    I once worked with man on a wood-splitting machine. He clearly knew what he was doing. It was a few years later I realized he was a ghost,

    Maybe ghosts are time travellers who briefly stop off for the time they are being seen.
  16. Deidre

    Deidre Follow thy heart

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    I wonder why ghosts even exist, though. Like, can anyone at all return as a ghost? Why does it seem like only a select few who were once living, are ghosts? Hmm.
  17. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Last night my car went missing again and when this was closely followed by my pants, I knew that I must be dreaming, but although pinching myself to prove it was not conclusive, the dream faded away. Dreams almost seem like a parallel second me and although living people never appear in them. people who have died do.
    Perhaps what we see as ghosts, is simply when our 2 lives cross over.

    PS, Just checked.....The car is on the drive......I have my pants on......WOW,!!!!. I must be awake, :yum::yum::yum::yum:
  18. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    it depends on the story. unfinished business, a violent death, and someone who doesn't realize they're dead are all popular reasons.

    if you think about it, there really needs to be some way to narrow it down. if everyone came back as a ghost we'd all be living in a pile of ghosts a mile high.

    there seems to be a time limit on ghosting too. 200,000 years of human existence, and i've never heard of a pre-medieval ghost.
  19. Deidre

    Deidre Follow thy heart

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    lol Yes, a time limit on ghosting.

    I've wondered though, if we'll ''know'' that we're dead, when we're dead. From a spiritual perspective, I believe that our souls continue on, but does a soul have the ability to know one way or the other? More hmm.
  20. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I have to read into Limbo. Is it a Christian thing? Cause honestly the only time I really heard about it was from ICP and in the movie The Others.

    And in the others, they were in Limbo and they were ghosts. And ICP referred to it as a place you fall when you don't go to heaven or hell.

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