I broke a bowl and got a porcelain sliver stuck in my foot. I went to the doctor but she said she couldn't do anything because she can't see it. It is driving me insane. It's been several days. I don't have a car so I have to walk (limp) a lot. Does anyone know what I can do?
Sorry to hear this, it sounds awful. One thing is to do some on-line research on slivers, the other is to get a second opinion. It could be that certain kinds of clinics/med professionals have more experience with your type of injury than others
Here's some search results. Most of these are for wooden splinters though. A lot of the wooden splinter tricks rely on soaking the foot to get the wood to swell, which won't work in this case. Some of the tricks, like duct tape, might be worth a try. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=removing+sliver+from+foot&t=hb&ia=web
I had that happen about a year ago and i put a wart band-aid on it (it looked like a washer) to cushion it when i walked, it took a couple weeks but it worked itself out far enough i could finally pull it out. That sucks for sure.
clean sharp knife....carefully dig it out..the cut you make will hurt less and heal quicker than leaving the sliver in
Sorry to hear that. I was walking on a beach in Rhode Island and a small shell embedded itself into my foot. When I returned home I performed surgery on myself and removed it. Hotwater
Ichthammol Ointment AKA Drawing Salve at the drug store.. . will help pull it out.. salve is not pretty its kinda like a black tar substance.. but I could swear by it.
also, when glancing quickly through the threads, i thought this said "i have a shard stuck up my ass." i don't know why; it doesn't even look like that. but it makes for a more interesting thread subject.
Get a piece of fatback (that's what we call it in the south)...or cut a piece of the white fat off of a piece of bacon. Put that over the spot and tape or bandaid it in place. It should come out overnight. I've also used Epsal drawing ointment to get out splinters. I think a piece of fat meat works better with shards of glass or pottery.
Wow Eavesdrop, I'm sure sorry to hear about that. I have no idea what I'd do except try to get my money back from the doctor, lol.