i hate to bring this up...but i must..

Discussion in 'The Whiners' started by Dark Star, May 30, 2004.

  1. Smudge

    Smudge Member

    Likes Received:
    What a cool post, just (NOT!)

    Strawberry Fields...it's not JUST the Internet though...it's REAL people. All of us.

    totally agree...

    If we can't be part of the solution, we need to stop being part of the problem.
  2. Strawberry_Fields_Fo

    Strawberry_Fields_Fo RN

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    Have you ever heard the african proverb "heart of an angel, skin of a rhino?" If there's one thing I've gotten out of this site, it's that I've learned not to be so damn sensitive about what some person says when they don't even know me and have never even seen my face. Despite being made up of real people, chatrooms and forums, for the most part, do not reflect real life. It is a fantasy world where people can become whoever they want and say almost anything without direct consequences. Consider it a training course for how to deal with all the real-life ass holes you're sure to meet down the road. ;)

  3. Nalencer

    Nalencer Dig Yourself

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    Hippies aren't all about peace, love and happiness. Although we believe that's the way things should be and that's how to solve problems is with peace and love, not violence, hippies are also about showing their emotions freely. We don't believe in the buttoned-down world where everyone hides their feelings. If you're angry, get angry, just don't hurt anyone.
  4. borut16

    borut16 Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Well, it's not like I agree with what she's done but it's the fact that she probably didn't mean it.
  5. WhatIs

    WhatIs Member

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    >>If you're angry, get angry, just don't hurt anyone.<<

    Anger hurts you, and everyone you direct anger at.

    If you are angry, let it go. Re-center.

  6. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    Blah Blah Blah, Yada Yada Yada.

    The world is negative. If you truly want these forums to portray an image of the world... then they'd have to be much more negative.

    In reality, people are not all "happy". I know that I can personaly be bloody negative on these forums, but I only do it to express myself and to ruin the stereotypical illusion of peace and harmony.
  7. Strawberry_Fields_Fo

    Strawberry_Fields_Fo RN

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    Anger is a very underrated emotion. All emotions serve a purpose, and anger can be a sign that you need to get out of a relationship with someone who may be hurting you but you don't realize it (I speak from experience). It can also be used to warn you that a situation is wrong, and it can give you the motivation to change that situation. Anger by itself can be very useful. It's only when you abuse it that it hurts you.

  8. VanAstral

    VanAstral Member

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    assuming all emotions serve positive purposes... anger/negative emotions will inevitably lead to rash decisions, thoughtless, irrational, damn, look at the thesaurus, this list can go on forever....
    a calm, thoughtful process would better assess any predicament, relationships or otherwise...
    anger is an emotion, a part of life, and has and will solve many of our problems, unfortunately...
    More effective, positive, problem-solving is achieved by those of us keepin' cool.
    or something along those lines.
  9. DharmaBum

    DharmaBum Old Guard

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    I Think the Definition "hippy" in itself causes a Whole Multitude of Problem's ,These Label's only serve to make us "act" or "beleive" a certain way. I Have no answer's to the Question of Being Negative or Positive ,since each person's case is individual in regards to their own Experiences in Life ,But yes i dont Think their is anything positive from a negative putdown regardless of intention..i Personally think alot of it Stem's from the "Ego" we have all been conditioned to construct ,i hope to one day Disolve this Ego..just my Two Cents.
  10. marymicrogram

    marymicrogram Member

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    I completely agree. That's what the hippie movement was all about- supressing your emotions because of the prescribed standards of a stereotype created by the media. You know who supports this statement? Abbie Hoffman, that's who. You know who said that he wanted to dispell the Easy Rider take-any-shit hippie stereotype? Not Abbie Hoffman- not at all. Uh-uh. I mean- Abbie Hoffman! Now that was a guy who never said anything negative about the establishment or the government at all. That was one positive positive cat right there. I tell ya...

    I could go on, but any more sarcasm- and I might explode. Anyway, I'm too busy living up to a stereotype to post any more. I have to go drive a Volkswagon bus barefoot while making lovebeads and smoking a joint. That's right. AT THE SAME TIME. *explodes*
  11. acetonephish

    acetonephish lickage

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    heeey, i like kerry! lmfao :p
  12. acetonephish

    acetonephish lickage

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    hmm, by the way, i agree. people are too touchy.

    i mean, they basically exploded like bombs on one of my threads, and i doubt they could even tell me what the line "run and hide like a wolf on a rainbow means"

    i know i couldnt...
  13. May Aizelle

    May Aizelle Member

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  14. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    Yeah. :D.
  15. Psychopsilocybin

    Psychopsilocybin Member

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    Hello, we come here to vent. Not everything is negative, but this is also a geat place to freely express ourselves, and to vent, elsewhere, we are not allowed to. Everything in our lives is censored. Just think; school, home, what we watch, what we do, how we live our lives. We need something where we can speak free, with no limitations.

    And besides, I mean, this is the time we live in. This isn't the flower unicorn butterfly hippy time of the sixties. This is 2005. TWO thousand and FIVE! We're living in some pretty fucked up times, and negativity is only a product of that. And besides, negativity isn't always bad. It's needed sometimes. There needs to be a balance. Not everything is sunflowers and unicorns....and cotton candy.
  16. if abbie hoffman was a dumbass so be it....
  17. WhisperingWoods

    WhisperingWoods too far gone

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    Man, we all know that "Young Hippies" isnt the place to be if you're interested in talking about well.. interesting things. It's more like random thoughts.

  18. May Aizelle

    May Aizelle Member

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    umm guys this forum is from 2004
  19. yeah, so....

    you dragged it up....
  20. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    Do you believe in the good old days?

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