Hey everyone My name Is Scoat and I have come to this site in search of some really good people with honed communal skills. I just bought a little over five acres in western Washington and am going to be headed there after I graduate from college in February or March 2014. I am going to be going in with a tent and a good stock of food and water and am going to build an amazing, peaceful, relaxing, free from society place to live. I would love to find the right group of people to do this with me. I have several plans drawn up for several types of living structures but I am not sure what will be the best route yet. I am leaning towards a red clay cob home. There will be no cost to the members of the community except travel to the property, elbow grease and good conversation. If you are interested in getting to know about what I am doing or want to inquire about joining me please respond. :tree:
:2thumbsup:That does sound amazing! Yes, keep us informed! My apartment lease is month to month, so... yea. I've always wanted to do that but have never met the right people or place! Good for you!
It's what I've been looking for... I just came from Oregon and going to work to save for travels and wanted to try some communal living before I go on my journey abroad.
interested. what more info can you give? such as where in WA? what skills you are looking for? For instance I have no experience building anything but I have quite the green thumb at growing food and such (i like to think)
lol this is exactly what i've had planned for when I: finish college. I think there are a lto of people out there planning this. My dad teaches a course in energy efficient, cost effective architecture, and we'rrgoing to design the building plans for my commune. I think it should be centered around a few communal earthships and then a few satellite room-sized highly insulated hay bale house shacks and treehouses for individual people to live in. Further south is a good idea though, we wanted to do it in some land in ontario, but Canada does get cold. send me a pm keep me up to date, this is exactly the idea I want to talk about Personally, :I want to build a microcommune with 10 members or so at all times and use it as a writers retraet/arts projec tplace and then cycle people through it (people would live there for a couple years at a time and come back and forth <(as some of us will be getting degrees, coming in the summer, taking a year or two off in the commune between degrees, etc). But I would want to have the initial 10 members invest a communal pool of 3-5k each. If we have the land to start with, I think we could build some very nice infrastructure ewith 50,000$ or so if we are efficient with our materials: two or three greenhouses/irrigated fields for food semi-self sustainability, one or two greenhouses for kush to make the project self sustainable, a central earth ship, a couple buiuldings, possibly an electric generator and some fuel (maybe build an ethanol ioperated electrical generator and get a government license to run a large-ish scale fuel ethanol skill), have running water in at least one building (well itself could be several thousand dollars), etc, plus each member would need to put in a lot of hard work. There are very few people I think could do this, but I think if I want to build a forest treehouse commune, I want to have some inital members who've saved up for a while for it and buld somethign truly special and at least a little luxurious. I know a little about architectural design and have enough people to help me with it and I've built a few treehouses, whose design I culd replicate (with much added (probably cheap -- haybail or somehting) insulation, I could easily build a few small earthships. I have a lot of ideas in mind for starting commune like this and I know I could pull it off if I was working with the right people, but I really think that a microcomune of even just 10 people should have at least 25,000 to 50,000$ startup to get a fully functional and comfortable infrastructure established, with good septic tank, greenhouses, well, and at least a few nice buildings/treehouses to start with (more as the community expands). That's not including the value of the land of course. It's a big endeavour, but it's really my only life's ambition. I finish college in two more semesters, then I want to focus all my efforts on investing/making money to fund a project like this and oplkanning it out, get it started within a year or two of my graduation, live there for a year or two and try to write a book, then head back to university once the community is up and running (and come back from time to time). It's pretty idealistic, but this is what I, ultimately, desire to do with my life. I've given it a lot of thought.
Sounds interesting. If it's around my area (Snohomish area), I'd be willing to lend a hand and do manual labor. Not very knowledgeable about growing anything though. Also, congrats on graduation.