"Falls Biggest Trend: Poncho". I thought now I can get confused stares from some people and knowing chuckles from the right people by asking, "Is that a real poncho? Or is that a Sears poncho?" C/S, Rev J
Bloglovin like to pop weird things like fashion at me because I read vegetarian, and therefore food, blogs. Which means I must be a hipster mommy with a crock of pickles and a handbag collection. Or something. Anyway, it seems hippe chic will cycle in again, meaning next spring the thrifts will be appealing again.
Ponchos; Interesting perhaps but the only women's fashion trend that Interests most guys are hemlines, cleavage, and transparency Hotwater
A long... LONG time ago I had a real Mexican poncho that was one of the things I had stored at my parents when I moved and gave just about everything away. Several years later when I was recovering some of these items my Mother said "... and I fixed that hole in your blanket." ... Thanks Mom. I still have it and it is still a "blanket" the way my Mother gave it back to me.
Wasn't there some type of Poncho Joke on Seinfeld? I still like the fact that this gives me the perfect excuse to use Frank Zappa lines in the real world. If I said that to someone in real life and they got the joke I'd know that is someone I'd want to actually talk to. C/S, Rev J