Hi everyone. I have found true love in my life. True love waits they say, and I waited 9 years before contacting her. Then she responded excited, but I posted too much messages and she quit contact with me. I told her that she is the one for me, the one and only, my only true love. But she doesn't respond. This is already years ago. What should I do? Any ideas are welcome. Was I wrong about true love? I never said before to a girl that she was my true love, and I never will again. This is a once in a lifetime matter, I think. DanielBoon1
She is not your true love..true love is when your both into it! Sounds like you went too fast for her, you spooked her.. Think of her as your first love! We all have them, they never leave you! But you have to move on now..
She was not my first love. And whether or not she really is my true love, I stated that she is my true love to her. A statement that I will never make again to another woman or girl. Because it would be dumb. I cannot move on. She moved me too much to move on. Yes, I date with other girls, but it is nothing like what I felt for her in 1999/2000 and in 2009 again. So yeah, I think I am just stuck with a platonic love affair that will never become reality. Otherwise, words would lose their meaning. I might marry another woman, but she will always be my true love. Back in high school, she said to me and a group of guys, "I will always remain alone".
I am working on a 2D/3D game where She and I are the initial two characters to be played. See www.toolsforphysics.com at the top of the screen for an impression of her and me (and another girl that came close)
This will frighten anyone. It may sound like emotional immaturity/inexperience to ones ears. You may get away with this if you were actually in a great relationship with the person for years, but before then it just seems seems too pretentious.
I am inexperienced with girls. I already got away with it. But I don't have contact with her anymore. I really meant what I said when I wrote it. It was after a dream where she and I were inside a simulator, a virtual reality simulator.
It is not that I don't love other girls; I love other girls just as much as her and made that clear to her too I think. It's just that I thought she and I were predestined for each other to make each other happy in marriage and have kids and get old together.
Just looked at your profile. I you were a chick I might have dated you, but the true love shit would've still been a major turn off!
Sorry, is not going to happen. I love guys as well, but they are not my true love. And I am heterosexual.
Let's Face It You Rushed It.......You Went In "Boots And All".......And You Blew It, No Chance Of Ever Winning Her......BUT..... Learn From Your Mistake And When The Next Lady You Fancy Comes Along....... Take....................It................Slowly.............. I Wish You Well For The Future...... Cheers Glen.
True love tends to be reciprocated by both people, not one sided. While you may think she is the only one for you, she obviously doesn't feel the same way about you. It might be best to look elsewhere for someone who wants your attention, instead of trying to force love on someone who doesn't want it.
Yeah, I rushed it, it's true. She waited one week before responding positively on my question whether she wanted to be drawed by me, and after that I immediately sent a reply. That was stupid. I should've thought for at least a week before responding to her. Then I possibly wouldn't have blew it. But I cannot forget her. Maybe that's because there is no other girl in my life that came as close as she did. She is in my heart. She changed my life radically by responding positively to my attempt at contact. For example, I started meditating fulltime with a computer on my lap for half a year, and still meditate regularly with a computer on my lap nowadays. She caused me to reduce my possessions to only a computer, a vaporizer, a bowl and a mug, a blanket, a large piece of plastic, a telephone, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a razorblade, tissues, a box of eggs, a bag of muesli, and I live on the streets now because of contact with her. I lost everything else: threw all my clothes away except for one pair, destroyed my piano worth 5000 dollar, destroyed my desktop computer, destroyed my desk, put my chair to the trash, my bed to the trash. I practically only saved a soldering station and an ossiloscope from my student appartment in 2009 -- they are in the attic at my parents house, safely stored.