when i took my shower last night, i forgot to get all covered up and now half way through the day i can tell. lol. its not horrible, but it could be a bit embarrassing how often do you forget yours?
I never use deodorant because I do not have a nasty smell; a shower a day is enough to keep them away.
never.. i think its embarrisin when ya get those little sweat patches on yer cloths,,..i feckin hate the bastards!
sometimes i can forget but usually its habit to put it on after a shower, i use this natural one that actually works very well! as long as im cleanly shaven there, i dont even need to use deodorant.
Usually remember to put that on, after my bath at night and also after my shower in the morning...probably more since it is a habit and automatic to reach for it.
you bathe at night and shower in the morning? wow!!! i am lucky if i take a shower every other day. i just dont feel the need to do it daily. does this make me dirty?hehe
yup...love a bath in the evening but need a shower to wake me up in the morning......now by lunch, I am not any cleaner than anyone else is I reckon. Think for me the shower is just a open my eyes as the water hits me and I wake up... Sniff....nah, you smell clean enough..
I forget quite frequently because I just never really think about it. Despite what people say, having armpit hair keeps one from smelling during the day. Also, since becoming a vegetarian I have noticed that my sweat does not smell like anything.