Just... in most places, I find people to be very eager for a fight, or negative or cynical (I'm not entirely sure whether it's because I live in Britain and so talk to a lot of British people also on my Facebook and so on). I feel like if I say something even SLIGHTLY controversial or expressing an opinion I am often attacked, and "let's agree to disagree" or trying to change the subject or make things more pleasant again is seen as either a sign of weakness or running away from the discussion or whatever. But... here on Hip Forums I find people much more friendly and relaxed, happy and eager to have a discussion or debate but not wanting or looking for a fight. Of course the occasional person is confrontational, but really as a percentage I think it's way less than 10% of the members, maybe even like 1% or less which is incredible for an internet forum. So yeah... I guess I am just saying thank you for being so chilled and fun! Life is to be enjoyed and when people take it so seriously that we all just end up fighting, it seems so unnecessarily negative and unpleasant. So let's all just have fun and party! ^_^ arty: Hoppi
I agree with you. Even when someone does give some else a hard time, it seems to be in in good fun. Plus it seems that from most of the posts I read, most of tge people here can let a good flaming roll off of their back. I think the open mindedness of the members here contributes to the overall harmony.
Most of the time I think I'd agree with you, just be careful where you go in the Philosophy and Religious threads. While most of the cats over there are good to go, some of 'em really are looking for a bone to pick
Do you think Brits are more argumentative/confrontational than others? Americans for instance? But I agree up to a point. I'd say it's hard to live in the UK these days(unless you are stinking rich) and not feel at least a little bit of cynicism. For all I know, and to gauge it by some of the things I've read on this site, it may be the same in the USA. Here on HF people tend to be mostly friendly. Let's keep it that way. (Maybe I am a bit cynical at times, because I am getting old and worn)
I find Britain fine... I dunno, maybe it's the weather that makes people a bit cynical I'm not sure. I could be just imagining it... but I really don't think I am! xD And of course I don't mean ALL British people! Just... many!
There's nothing the British like to talk about so much as the weather. So I've heard. But yes, many are aggressive, and a lot not so bright. Generally I think it's gone much more uptight in the country than it ever used to be. But again, could be because as I say, I'm getting old, and maybe I see my more youthful days through rose tinted specs.
This community is really quite diverse and the conversations can be really interesting. The few who do not play well with others are part of posting and easy to avoid if that is what a poster wishes to do. I enjoy the community here. The majority of posters are great.
It does seem pretty uptight yeah. I think there's too much paperwork and red tape. Things are too strict. Heat - Yeah you'll always get the occasional few. But it's ok, it's part of us all being human
OK Boys, Lets Put Down Our Keyboards And Settle This Out The Back In The Hip Forums Parking Lot...:toetap05: Cheers Glen.