Anyway, I have copied the following from one of the other websites which was written by myself, I hope you read it and seriously consider it, so here I am going to past it: I have been a seeker in the past. One of my understandings that I want to put forward is that the Bible is first of all the best written book there is. I have read and studied the quran for quite a while, I have read some of eckhart tolle’s teachings, I have looked into buddhism and other teachings. Anyway, I find the Bible to be the only true book that’s been breathed out by Our Heavenly Father as it’s written in 2 Timothy 3:16: All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness Anyway I firmly believe that the only way to be saved is by accepting God’s One and Only Begotten Son a Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. It’s written in the the Bible in John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. It’s written in the Bible in John 14:6: Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Consider the above verses that there is no eternal life without believing in Jesus Christ. And the following from the Bible is I believe good for you to know: Proverbs 1:7: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Anyway, you can read the Bible online and you can obviously buy it. Anyway, I urge you to read the New Testament first and then it’s good to read for example the book of Job. Also I would like to post following which are the first two commandments in the Hebrew Scriptures otherwise known as the Old Testament, which is in the book of Exodus 20: Exodus 20:1-20 20Then God spoke all these words: 2I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; 3you shall have no other gods before me. 4You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, 6but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments. 7You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name. Read the above and think and hopefully act. Thanks
... No disrespect meant to the original poster, but me the Bible is just a book of fairy tales to be used for brainwashing the gullible, sometimes by using fear as in the below for a small example: '1:7: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction' Anything or anyone who has to use fear in order to control the world he is supposed to have created cannot be good anyway. If there is a God then let him/her/whatever do something about the Corona Virus to show mercy for all the misery and death that is causing. Just like Ervin I could go on a rant here about all the death and destruction and poverty and disease and suffering and fear in the world, but I guess you get my Grif?
I wouldn't go that far. I don't think it's all just "fairy tales' designed to hoodwink us. But I do think it's the words of men seeking God rather than the "Word of God". It was written by a variety of different authors with different agendas at different points of time. Some of it is quite inspiring, others not so much.
To me the Bible is like most other works of fiction. I do fear it though because as I fought against religious extremists overseas, I see it coming home with the rise of the Christian extremists taking power in the courts. Look at what happened in Poland yesterday, it’s an omen. I’m a nonbeliever who was raised as a family of skeptics, war veterans, and strong independent women.
I think it contains important truths, but many of them are metaphorical. I think literalists often miss the point(s). For example, I think the point(s) of Genesis 1 were to show that: a Higher power is responsible for material existence; that God is universal god of all humanity; that (s)he created order out of chaos, that natural objects, like the sun, the moon, the stars, vegetation, etc., are not themselves deities but were created by something greater; to that creation is good; and that humans were made in the image and likeness (presumably spiritual) of God (this point was the one that triggered my conversion to Christianity and made going to WalMart a religious experience for me); and that God initiated the Sabbaath--observance of which is central to Jewish identity and helpful in allowing space for God in a workaday world. In historical context, it is a refutation of the creation myth of Babylon, which held the Jewish elite in captivity. The Babylonian creation myth said that the earth and heavens were created by a cosmic struggle in which the god Marduk defeated the goddess of primordial chaos and the ocean, Tiamat, and cleaves her carcass in two, to create earth and sky. In Genesis, she is reduced to a natural object, Tehom (the Deep), and God dispatches it and creates the rest of the universe by merely uttering words, in the manner of the Memphite Egyptian deity, Ptah. For another example, take the Book of Jonah. I don't think the point of that story is to show that a person could live in the belly of a big fish for three days and three nights. It tells the Jews that even the hated Assyrians are loved by God, and it is the duty of Noah to enable their salvation. The numbers three and seven had important numerological significance, not only to the Jews but to the Zoroastrians, the religion of ancient Persia which exercised a protectorate over Palestine for two centuries.Three expressed the planting cycle, the dimensions of material objects (height, length and width), the passage of linear time (past, present and future), and for Zoraoastrians the number of days the soul remained in the body after death. Seven is a primary number, associated in astrology with spiritual energy, truth and philosophy. For the Zoroastrians, it was the number of the seven Amesh spirits and for the post-exilic Jews, the number of the archangels. In Genesis, the earth was created in six days (two sets of three) ,and the seventh is set aside as special or sacred. The first set of three designates the period of division, in which God separates one thing from another: day from night, waters above from below, and waters below from each other. The second set is known as the period of "adornment", in which God goes back and "populates" the things he divided: the heavens with sun, moon and stars; the waters with birds and fish, and finally the land with animals and humans. And does this describe literal reality? Of course not. It shows the imposition of order upon chaos. When I say these are the points, of course, I don't claim to be giving a definitive interpretation--only my own take, at lest as subect to error as those of other humans. l don't think the Bible is "inerrant". As I said before, it's the words of men seeking God, not the "word of God", and humans are prone to error. Viewed metaphorically and in historical context, though, guided by Jesus' hermeneutic of love, it can be a source of insight and wisdom.
Some of the most transparently kind and compassionate people I've ever known are inspired by the Bible. Some of the most transparently kind and compassionate people I've ever known are inspired by the Q'uran. Some of the most transparently kind and compassionate people I've ever known are inspired by the Talmud. I can say the same for the most hateful and murderous people I've ever known, too.
Many professional writers such as Jeanette Winterson recommend reading the King James Bible if you want to learn to do quality writing. EDIT: At high school they wanted to teach us about every religion under the Sun other than Judaism/ Christianity. In retrospect I would have welcomed being introduced to the King James Bible as it would have helped me with my English.
All I have to say is: Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
I am little confused here. The title of your thread says the Bible is the only true book there is. Does this mean instruction books such as cook books, car workshop manuals, gardening books and home renovation books are all lies and therefore should be completely ignored? You then quote the Bible, Such people would never read aforementioned instruction books. Also, any type of education would be worthless?
For me: - The Bible is a collection of tales and stories of experiences and consequences that span vast periods of time and different locations. History is recorded by those who could had the education to read and scribe. This being those of high learning - and Male. *All Religions have the mantra of what to believe - Folk lore is the word/s passed on through verbal recantion by those of simple but natural learning, and oft referred to as 'Old wives' tales. These pre-date 'the written' word and are recorded in verse, song and repetition, through those of dedicated credo of choice *Faith holds true to the cause of, to believe - When it comes down to belief, I lean towards the latter than the former.
Hello Tishomingo and Merry Christmas! Everything in existence was created by God! Some say science but they cant say who created science and who created those who created science because they are too embarrassed to admit to our modern world that we are simply not worthy of knowing the answers. Even if God created us... Who created God? We are not worthy of the answers Tishomingo! Such beauty and we pollute it! Such majesty and we annihilate it in to extinction and now it is our turn to face microbiology. These are a few creases I would have ironed out had I any hand in writing the scriptures... Firstly genesis would be about planets of which would be the direct daughters of God. We would live upon our garden-like planet of which is our Goddess Eden and her daughter would be the Goddess RNA and her daughter would be the Goddess of DNA and many generations later there would be Adam and Eve who were once told by book in one way or another to get their shit together or Eden will have RNA return and kill them.
If I were God, I think that I would've clarified those passages humankind has repeatedly used to justify genocide, war, rape, slavery, racism and misogyny, and not worried quite so much over shellfish.
Merry Christmas to you, too, and all the best in'21. Not the time to be argumentative, but does anybody in his right mind think science created everything? Not the scientists I know! They do have tentative ideas about how it all came about, like Krauss' view that the universe came from nothing (although his critics argue that quantum vacuums aren't "nothing". You're right that humans haven't been able to get their heads around the problem of infinite regress. Even theologians will tell us not to ask who made God, since God just always was and always will be. Scientists face similar conundrums:If the Big Bang caused everything, then what caused the Big Bang? If the multiverse caused everything, then what caused the multiverse? If everything exists because of string theory, then why is the universe composed of strings instead of something else, like quarks or other subatomic particles? Either it all stops somewhere, or as the saying goes "Its turtles all the way down"! But any scientist-cosmologist worth his/her salt will keep trying to figure it out. And they don't seem embarrassed about it at all. It's not a matter of "worthiness"--just the natural limitations of being human.
Right on! The best part of the Bile is the teachings of Jesus, which a lot of church people just ignore.