I have completly replaced ketchup with applesauce.... (ie, on french fries, on burgers, hotdogs, etc..)
if it had mangos and peaches in it, then it wasnt applesauce...... it would have been mango-peach-apple sauce
drinking gravy is fun..... I drank almost a gallon of that shit one time after thanksgiving dinner...... never again. I got so freakin sick
*buzzer sounds* I'm sorry but that would make it "strawberry" sauce. you're excused from the game, but we have some nice parting gifts for you.
hahaha damn. well at least i get some gifts -come to think of it..i always feel bad for the poor bastards who cant continue to the last round of jeopardy because they have negative amounts of money. i think they just leave with nude pics of alex trebek
I vomited all over the place when I read that....... pickles are nasty as hell and the juice is just fuckin wrong.