I Don't Want to Work

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by TheSamantha, May 22, 2014.

  1. TheSamantha

    TheSamantha Member

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    I know this is the free love section, but I figured I'd post this here since people here know me quite well.

    I only talk to people I know are sex-positive. I don't trust the public. I don't like most people. I also have a mental illness.

    I'm on SSI. I have more than enough to get by. I can just save up for the future.

    It seems like most jobs require you to be bubbly, extrovert, and a people person. It seems unrealistic to look for a job where I can just be quiet for the most part, or does it? I also understand that most work from home jobs are scams.

  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    idk....I never was into the jobs I ever had, but had them to make money to live....always a piece on someone's monopoly board so they can get rich...but that is how this system is. Most people have to work to make it.....I can pull it out of my a** most times when I have to selling artwork and things.....creatively thinking always.....
  3. enhancer13

    enhancer13 Senior Member

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    I don't want to work either. So many other fun things I could be doing instead. To bad the real world does not work that way though. I have worked hard my whole life, because I have to. I don't feel it is fair to expect others to have to pay my way with their tax money and i sure as hell did not want to live in my parents basement sponging off of them.
  4. TheSamantha

    TheSamantha Member

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    Yeah you're right. SSI is a stepping stone, not a permanent state of affairs. It wouldn't be fair to others.

    What about work from home?
  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    some people work from home very successfully.....so it would depend on what you want to do, and check it out thoroughly first...good luck to you!
  6. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    Work from home is the best IMO. I have done many things, owned a store, that was fun for a while, worked out of the house on machines and other things, phone service, in the military, in other peoples homes to care for them and enjoyed all of those jobs, couldn't be without work even if I won a lottery. But to have your own thing in your home is the best. No bosses, you pick your time of day to work and how much you want or need to do. You get up when you want and go to bed when you want because you don't have an alarm to wake you up so you can be somewhere on time.
    You will make more then the system pays for sure and really everyone should have something to do or the mind goes stale, maybe even nuts.
    Find something that interests you and maybe you can market it or maybe it's a service of some kind. The system should be for short time thing to enable you to find a start. If you can't work at home why not try while on the system to volunteer somewhere and get yourself into the working mode so you can enter a job eventually? That would serve as a therapy kind of thing to get you in the mode of dealing with other people, volunteer jobs are usually more slack with easy going people.
  7. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    You can make money doing almost anything really. Find something that interests you, eventually you will find your niche :)
  8. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    absolutely untrue....try looking beyond being a waitress or a mallrat

    second sentence in a row that you start with ''it seems''....i wouldnt hire you just for that useless phrase being used but NO.... it SEEMS lazy

    yes i have thoughts...do you?

    .yes....the hundreds of thousands of people that work from home at Google,Microsoft,AT&T,Facebook,Bell telephone,Apple.....and thousands of other very much legitimate corporations are all scamming as we speak

    who is feeding you this stuff?....seriously....stop quoting them :)
    1 person likes this.
  9. expanse

    expanse Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    House cleaning for the elderly maybe? I say elderly because I think they are easier to be around. I'd find an elderly lady that needs help cleaning, changing light bulbs, changing central air filters, hanging pictures, etc. She could refer you to her friends too. Maybe even drive them to and pick them up from hair or Dr appointments. That way you wouldn't run the risk of shutting yourself off from people. Start small and then add a few clients.
  10. Annwyn'Bri

    Annwyn'Bri Member

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    Try a research job... medical, law, politics, etc.. most of it is spent a lone researching in libraries and online. You still have contact with people without having to face them 8 hours straight.
  11. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    The worlds oldest profession you can do from home
  12. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Get some advanced computer skills. You can get a job working independently, whether at home or in an office.

    I'm assuming you don't have musical talent...

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYAarUjMELc"]Todd Rundgren - I Don't Want To Work - YouTube

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAD6Obi7Cag"]Dire Straits - Money For Nothing - YouTube
  13. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    They only pay you for this if you run video.
  14. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I noticed this, too. Especially the part about rewarding the bubbly extroverts. I really struggle with this reality. America rewards extroverts, I'm not sure why this is.

    As for the sex-positive thing. Can you tolerate people who aren't sex positive? Can you work side-by-side with them, as long as no one mentions sex? Sex isn't something that needs to be brought up at work, if you don't want.

    What is your degree in? I know you mentioned that you have been to (a good!) college. I think accounting or some sort of non-leader business job would suit introverts. Accounting, or another quiet office position, such as a book keeper might be up your ally. Do you have moral issues with working for a large company? You could work for the state or federal government in some capacity. Park Ranger? Librarian? Do you prefer more independence? What is the nature of your mental illness?

    Let us know more. We can offer better suggestions.
  15. Vee-Bee

    Vee-Bee Guest

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    Try mystery shopping. Yes, you do have to talk to sales associates, but you get reimbursed for anything you buy, and paid a few bucks for your report. My friend's mom used to bring home (basically) free pizzas 3 times a week. Volition.com is a website with links to lots of mystery shopping companies.
  16. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    2 years ago I started my own landscaping company, was charging people minimum $20/hr, and I only dealt with the customer for short peroids of time and pretty much just kept to myself and listened to music.

    You could pick up a landscape job pulling weeds or something, you get to be outside, making GOoD money, dont have to talk to many people, and its fun
  17. AiryFox

    AiryFox Member

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    I am quite antisocial and authority makes me rebel.

    Therefore, working with the public is something I cannot do. I am also of the mind whereby I cannot understand society's obsession with unnecessary social formalities. Do not ask me how are you doing, because I honestly do not care about a stranger enough for him to inquire about my personal affairs. Rather than lie, like everyone else, by stating I'm good, I will honestly state that I am feeling horrible. I would rather give the honest answer than the one they expect.

    They wrongfully consider me rude just because I will not play their dumb societal game.

    I am me, not you. I will not pretend to be you or to pretend to be someone I am not just for the sake of appearances that are overrated.
  18. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    I have been working night jobs since i graduated high school for just that reason. You still have to deal with people but few if any customers and few co-workers.

    Airy. Rather than just saying "horrible" you could say why you are feeling horrible. "My dog is sick and my boss gave me a shit job today, and now i have to wait in this long ass line." If you do that it dosnt sound rude it just sounds like you are answering their question. Unless you like sounding rude. That dosnt bother me none.
  19. TheSamantha

    TheSamantha Member

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    Thanks everyone.

    I can tolerate sex negative people, I can be around them. I just don't wish to speak to them much or connect with them. Can you be quiet in an office?

    I have a BA in English from Duke with a minor in Political Science.

    I have no moral issues with working for a large company.

    Yes I prefer more independence and autonomy.

    I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.
  20. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    I dont think that its people are lying when they state I'm good, to the question of how they are doing, I think its that they are keeping in the dialogue that they have been taught to say thats acceptable, they might be doing good, but regardless they already know what to say subconsiously. Im like you as well but I can turn my brain on to, "sheeple mode" if I have to very quickly and be mr.charming lol

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