So Kavanaugh got his place. So what? The world didn't end, did it? One thing I think people need to take away from these things is the fact that, even though it is traumatic.......REPORT THINGS NOW! Waiting for 30 years etc is getting damn old! What did YOU do thirty years ago? Who gives a fuck after that long? Most of these Supreme Court types just sit there and get old anyway! Most of them should be in the damn nursing home! Our country can just be so dumb sometimes! Pant pant pant......
Check out this list, Frosty. List of landmark court decisions in the United States - Wikipedia Those are some of the major decisions that the USSC has reached. Things that majorly impact your life, or the lives of your loved ones. Justices are people. And people have agendas. You want a true and fair minded person on the court. Your life could and will be impacted by their opinions.
I guess you haven't been paying attention, but this happens even to people who report rape the day it happens. That's been some of the main discourse throughout this whole ordeal.
Judges must all go to hell because judging is a sin lol. If you revolve your life around it I do not think that you will be granted access into the pearly gates.
He has a couple of other similar posts in his short time here. I don't think he's trolling, but he seems very passionate about how and when women should come forward the sexual assault allegations.
You forget that when the judging judges die, they will surely vote 9 - 0 in favor of striking down God's law against judging.
I'll be 57 in a couple weeks. Some of the court cases coming sometime in the future here will involve Social Security. I am concerned that by the time I hit 65 that will be taken from me. Cavanaugh is basically a hatchet man for the corporate Elite. He will never be on our side.
Maybe she did tell people and they lied instead of backing her up. Or they “forgot” about that one party. Sounds also like the FBI skipped half the witnesses and so she didn’t receive a true investigation.
Yep. The Senators who voted him in either didn’t believe Dr Ford or didn’t care. You can’t believe her and still in good faith, vote for him. I think it’s pathetic how we as women are always called “confused” people are saying she must have confused him for someone else. We wouldn’t say that about men...”he must be confused.” Men are always sure, women are confused.
Well, he did went to Yale. He's supposed to get such a position. He even became first in his law class. Trump said so. Several times. He even dared to question that fact himself in public. So yeah
Just look at took dozens of women coming forward before some people started to believe he was guilty. The word of 50+ women might be as good as the word of one man, but any less than that and the women are obviously lying
are we stil stuck on a high school we we, with no proof proof. how bout ford was flat drunk plastered passed out in a bathtub during a high school party. people pissed she saw wangs..but she doesn't know what wangs she saw. maybe miss ballbricker can help..
they can have as many scj as ever they want .no limit could be 100 for all that matters. that montour meme is real, a drunk pig on the bench of the criminal courts. everyone needs to check base locally, many wearing the robe, deep down murderous drunk trash covering the tracks with their false power