i do not think that this is correct

Discussion in 'DMT' started by Deleted member 309843, Jun 20, 2019.

  1. DMT

    How to make DMT in the kitchen

    DMT stands for N,N-dimethyltryptamine. DMT is a

    semisynthetic compound similar to psilocin in structure.

    (Psilocin is the hallucinogenic substance based in psilocy-
    bin.) DMT is extremely fast-acting. Within several minutes of ingestion,
    the effects can be felt, but it doesn’t last as
    long as other psychedelics. The intensity, on the other
    hand, is as strong; for about 30 to 45 minutes you are
    completely under the influence of this drug. The most
    common method of ingestion is smoking, but I have heard
    that there were some capsules around for about two years.
    Whether they were good or not, I have no idea. Carefully
    soaked parsley leaves are the usual medium for smoking,
    although some persons have dipped marihuana in it and
    said the experience was fantastic. Other compounds sim-
    ilar to DMT are both DET and DPT.

    The next recipe is for DMT. It is very simple and can
    easily be performed in the kitchen. All the chemicals and
    equipment are available from any chemical supply house or
    hobby shop.

    Recipe for DMT:

    1. Mix thoroughly and dissolve 25 grams of indole with
    a pound of dry ethyl ether in a 2,000-ml. flask (two-quart

    2. Take ice tray and fill with chipped or shaved ice.
    Now cool solution for about 35 minutes until it reaches the
    temperature of 0 degrees C. At the same time cool 50 ml.
    of dry oxalychloride to about 5 degrees below 0 degrees C.
    in the same ice tray.

    3. Very slowly add the oxalychloride solution to the in-
    dole solution.

    Warning: When these two chemicals are mixed together,
    there is an extremely violent reaction. Avoid boiling over,
    avoid contact with skin, and avoid fumes.

    4. Wait until all the bubbling has died down, then add a
    few handfuls of common table salt to the ice tray, to cool
    the solution further. Put this solution aside and label it
    “solution 1.”

    5. Cool 100 ml. of dry ethyl ether, in a 500-ml. flask, to
    0 degrees C. in a salted ice tray. At the same time cool an
    unopened 100-gram bottle of dimethylamine to 0 degrees
    C. in the same ice bath.

    6. Open the seal of the dimethylamine bottle and slow-
    ly pour a steady stream into the ether. Label “solution 2.”

    7. Very slowly and carefully add solution “1” and “2”

    8. Now take the mixed solutions from the ice tray and
    bring up to room temperature, stirring the solution all the
    time. You should be left with a solution which is almost
    clear. If it is still murky, continue stirring until it becomes
    as clear as possible.

    9. Now filter the solution to separate the precipitate by
    suction, as shown in Figure 7.

    10. Refilter with suction after pouring technical ether
    over the precipitate.

    1 1 . Repeat filtering once more with ether and then twice
    with water.

    12. Let this substance dry on a plastic or china plate.
    (Do not use metal.) After drying, a solid material will be
    formed. Take these particles and place them in a 800-ml.

    13. Mix 100 ml. benzene with 100 ml. methyl alcohol.
    After the mixture has been stirred, cover solid particles
    from step 1 2 with about a half inch of the solution and heat
    the beaker in water until all solid material has dissolved.
    Add more solvent if necessary. See Figure 8 below.

    Heat Source Figure 8. Heating DMT solution in water bath.

    DRUGS / 55

    14. After all the solid material has dissolved, remove
    beaker from the heat, and allow it to cool. As it cools, small
    needle-shaped crystals will appear. When this happens, try
    to pour off as much of the solvent as possible without dis-
    turbing the crystals.

    15. Place crystals in a 1,000-ml. flask and dissolve in
    tetrahydrofurane. (Use only as much as absolutely neces-
    sary.) Label this solution “A.”

    16. Slowly mix 200 ml. tetrahydrofurane and 20 grams
    lithium aluminum hydride in a 500-ml. flask, and label it
    solution “B.”

    Warning: Lithium aluminum hydride ignites on contact
    with moisture. Do not use on humid days. Protect eyes and
    wear rubber gloves.

    17. Mix solutions “A” and “B” slowly, stirring con-

    18. Prepare a water bath and heat solution in water bath
    for three hours, stirring for four minutes every half hour.
    When not stirring, use aspirator tube as shown in Figure

    Figure 9. Final collection of DMT.

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