I had the fortunate luck of catching my gf's sister masturbating yesterday. I had to drop a ladder back over to her place. I expected her husband to be home but when I knocked (their doorbell doesn't work) there was no answer. I used the key hidden in their front garden to let myself in. Despite being in the house (downstairs) for at least 10min, I had no idea anyone was home. Being a total perv I decided to nip uptairs and 'borrow' a pair of her panties (preferably used ones) to bring home and masturbate on. However, when I got upstairs I could hear moaning. Sure enough she was on their bed, totally naked with a towel under her (I think she had a shower??), frantically rubbing her clit and sliding a finger in and out of her pussy. Needless to say, I stroked my cock under my pants there and then. Though I crept downstairs and finished off in their downstairs toilet. Best thing I've ever seen in my life that didn't involve my gf. Her sister is a totally hotty. Anyone ever had a similar experience?
Have seen my sister in laws pubic hairs when her young son accidently revealed her underwear in public. But no, I haven't had your type of luck
oh yeah, this happens to me all the time when I go to my girlfriends house to steal her sisters' panties
Other post about masturbating with female cousin Real life - lives in mums basement with several personal issues
i did catch my sister in-law masturbating with the bathroom door open. I did watch for a while...it was quite erotic watching her make love to herself. It seemed so natural. I watched and bailed after a few minutes. The stealing of the panties to go home and sniff seems a bit creepy and over the top. Thats not natural...'specialy when ur old lady finds her sisters thong in the hamper covered with man mayo. I usually don't judge, but I'm pretty close to the line on this one. Good luck RR-New Guy
I remember once on a playground where they had a flying fox. Anyone know that? It's like a hand you hold and it glides to the other side. Anyway we decided that was lame, let's walk on top and try and balance to the other side. Well while we were up there (my sister and I and a cousin I think) we watched into an apartment and there was a lady masturbating over a guy magazine with nude guys. Well we sneaked up to this bush that covered her Window, and yep, she was laying facing away, diddling herself. I guess I was too young at the time to really care about it, honestly I only remember now, but she didn't know we could see from a top the play equipment. If I'd have seen that now at my age 28, it would be quite hot and erotic.
When I was in the military, i was on temporary duty at another base. I was in the transient quarters, and there was a door separating my room from the adjoining one. The ventilation system was ancient, and the door had a louvered vent about 3 feet above the floor to allow for air flow. One evening, I heard a couple speaking from that room, and I noticed that there was a small opening in the louver that allowed me to look into their room. I quietly moved my bed over by the door, so I could lay on the bed and watch through the opening. I had all the lights off in my room, so they wouldn't see anything to indicate that I was watching them. They were a black guy and his Asian wife (presumably). They started undressing each other, then she laid back on the bed and he started eating her pussy. They left their bedside table light on, and yes, I couldn't stop watching. He ate her pussy until she orgasmed, then he laid back and she sucked his cock until he came in her mouth. Then they rolled over, turned the lights out, and went to sleep. While watching them, I was jacking myself. I came 3 times during their eating session, Unfortunately, that was my last day on that base, so I didn't get to watch any more sessions.