I really don't think that I have ever been overtly discriminated against. Though I have been disturbed enough by the behavior of some businesses that I never go back. But that doesn't happen very often. And that hasn't happened for a while. What happens more often, though not too often, is that I am waiting to be helped, and no one is available. If they are busy that is understandable. And maybe they aren't discriminating. If I am the only person in the store, they might just be in the back sleeping. But when it is normal business hours or there are at least a couple of people in store, it seems more suspicious. That doesn't matter though. I don't work, so I have no place to be soon. And plus I am very patient. I can wait a couple of minutes for them if they are busy. I can wait 15 minutes. I've waited longer than that sometimes. I've waited a half an hour. Rarely, but it has happened. I can wait an hour to be served. I can wait hours even. By then the line behind me will be getting longer. I could even wait all day, until they close. By then there will be a very long line behind me. And none of them will have been served either that day. In short I can wait a very long time. But can they?