I had these chocolate bar things in my pantry and i started snackin on them today. Between like 10am and 5pm I had 8 of them. What I didnt realize was that they were fiber bars and each contained 20 grams of fiber per bar. So thats 160 grams of fiber and whatever else I ate toda ythat contained fiber. Should i be worried? It says 1 bar contains like 35% of your daily fiber needs. Should I call an ambulance?
If you are really concerned, you can call poison control. Sounds like things have already worked themselves out though. I don't think you were in any danger --------------------------------------- Poison Control in USA www.aapcc.org 1-800-222-1222 24/7/365 hotline a statement at the bottom of this page http://www.aapcc.org....7/Default.aspx says the poison hotline is confidential
It's the best type of gassy though really because they're locked and loaded within seconds and they don't smell. :d
I know youre all wonder what the exciting conclusion is... I spent about half an hour on the shitter this morning before work. Nothing out of the ordinary happened though.. I know, riveting tale, right?
lol... I basically shit myself in the gym parking lot last week. Had to drive back home before i even went in.