People see me as an idiot. I am too abnormal. Its like nobody's stupid but me. I dont know. I am too abnormal as far as I can understand.
being an idiot and being abnormal are two different things. being an idiot is a lot more "normal" than just bein a weirdo
Agreed. What makes you think that people view you as an idiot? And what aspects of yourself do you consider abnormal?
I think you're a super genius with a secret discovery no one can comprehend. You don't understand how it works, though, so you can't talk about it. You feel underappreciated, so you think everyone's treating you like an idiot.
I think you should stop begging for attention and pointing out how special you are if you ever want to get anywhere with it. You're all you've got, so stop asking why and just go with it already
Maybe you are really just an idiot and stupid and abnormal....I did start a thread asking random people. I'm not an idiot or stupid and I'm only slightly abnormal and I've never asked the forum for their opinion of me. But maybe you started this in hopes that some random people would just adorn you with blind accolades. That would still be kind of dumb but if you PM me some boobie pics, maybe I can give you a more serious opinion. Just messing with ya. Don't worry too much about shit you can't control.
For example, at university I always have problem finding notes while somebody else doesnt seem to. For example, one asked me if I passed somr lab lessons. And I said I couldnt find notes, then that person began to look at me the way he must be fucking stupid. I can read that from their eyes. while evrtybody else seems to find notes and passes the lesson, I cant get notes from anybody and I fail. This is just an example.
no, I want to know what makes me stupid and abnormal. I am stupid in people's eyes. This kinda botters me.
do you think that what others think of you actually makes you that way? maybe they are the stupid ones for (erroneously?)thinking u are stupid.
Astrology is even dumber than religion. I wouldnt say it in the astrology forum, but maybe can get away with it in the psychic forum What star sign are you?
EM BRACE IT. Once you come to grips with who you are (or who you think you are at least, because one never truly understands one's self. [A quote from Gnarls Barkley "In order to know yourself, you'd have to ask someone else."]), it's amazing how easy it becomes to be sociable, let go and have fun with people. Even as far to psychologically toy with people's minds. Without manipulating them in a bad way. Now, I'm not trying to be demeaning or anything, but you said that no one will share notes with you. Do you take notes yourself during class? And they ask you about your grades... you don't have to answer those kinds of questions. You could even just say something funny like "Oh, idk... I probably passed with flying colors" or "Failed miserably" Don't worry about what other people think about you! If it's just some random stranger or classmate, who cares! You'll probably never see them again anyways except for the daily basis you spend class time together. Unless you want to make friends with them... but still don't worry about that. You are who you are, and if they don't like it, they can kick rocks. Be yourself. If others want to judge you, that's their problem. They give you funny looks, tell them "Don't look at me like that. YOU DON'T KNOW ME FOO!!" Meditation helped me a lot with overcoming my overwhelming sense of self-doubt. The mind has a strange way of figuring things out for itself, provided it has the necessary time and focus to do so. As does life itself, surprisingly enough! Just sit in a certain spot on campus for a while with your eyes closed and think about your being. Think about why it is you are the way you are. Perhaps the reason will become apparent. I like to combine the paractises of "Just Sitting" and "Breathing" meditation. Just sitting is exactly how it sounds. You just sit... and think! While, breathing meditation is a bit more technical, but not difficult and provides astounding results. I just close my eyes, reassure myself that my breathing doesn't have to be perfect, then focus on your breathing for a while until your mind starts to lose focus, then focus on all the sounds around you until you lose focus of that, and repeat as long as necessary. Do not worry on such trivial things friend. Rest assured, things will be fine. Let me know if this helps you or you have any other questions or just simply want to chat. Tell me to stuff it up my bum, I don't care lol. I hope you find the answers that you seek. Who knows, they might just come to you!
You do NOT seem stupid to me. You are going to a University of some sort. That is an advanced education compared to me. And " LABS ". What sort of LABS ? Are you taking some sort of SCIENCE courses ? Stupid people do NOT take science courses. What sort of grades are you getting ? Are you male or female ? My guess is male. Also: I see NOTHING wrong with you wanting attention. Anyone posting here in this forum seems to want attention. What is it that you feel is so wrong with you ? ...Oscar
My department is chemistry, which I dont like. I mean people around me act me like i am stupid. I am like hopeless case.I hate my university life.
Maybe they can sense that you have inward smarts and are trying to make you feel stupid out of jealousy.