At this moment, at my location there is the most walloping of all thunderstorms. I feel so panicked, stressed, helpless, and I even cry. It's such a terrifing experience for me, even with minor thunderstorms. This storm however there is no break in each crash of thunder, it's just one vicious, deafening bang after another. It's been going on for about 20 minutes now. Please stop! Anyone else feel as I do?
I love thunderstorms, mainly because they cool the air about 20 degrees. Its natures own air conditioning! They can be scary though. My home is surrounded by big oak trees and I've seen plenty of oaks uprooted by storms so I'm always a little anxious a tree will fall on my house during a storm
I think it's natural to fear them; obviously an evolved ability. Those of our ancestors who felt no fear towards violent storms did not live long enough to reproduce as much as those who sought shelter. That said, I am enthralled by violent storms almost to the point of sexual arousal. They are such unabashed demonstrations of the potentiality of energy all around us, and they are really to be thought of as powerful forces for life, not death. Think how much water they bring, how much soil they churn.
Every loud crack of thunder, every blinding jolt of lightening is a Jotun being wholloped to the floor by a hard hitting anvil toned delivery made by Thor. Should make you smile.
Try aqnd embrace it. Surrender to it and respect its majesty. Try to appreciate with awe the power of nature. Don't judge or label it. Its a necessary part of nature. I was tripping last week (mildly) and a strom passed by as I hiked through the forest. I panicked at first and the trip started turning on me then I embraced it and felt more alive than I've been in years. But its easy to say and hard to do with phobias. I'm not saying its not scary shit I know how phobias are. For some reason thunderstorms have always energized and inspired me. Maybe its the ET dna in me or maybe its a primal evolutionary thing but they are powerful and cause strong reactions in each of us in different ways. There is lots of energy there.
Try some calm music too and chamomile tea. Lavendar essential oil should help you too. There are natural remedies for our anxieties and fears which can make a big difference.
I don't think it is fear per say but rather an unjust super sensitivity of the disruption in vibratory waves they produce. Next time try and just listen/feel the storm, each crack, each rumble, the rain on the roof, the smell of rain in the air. Appreciate all the wonders they produce don't concentrate on the fear you produce of them. If there is a Tornado warning or Hurricane warning, please listen to the reports and not me LOL Enjoy and embrace
Research storms a little, I find research has really really helped my fear of tornadoes. When you understand what you fear, it helps remove the uncertainty that fear comes from.
Yeah. kinda pathetic ain't it? Now strong howling winds on the other hand, they'll raise the hair on my neck. But strong winds can do damage quite easily hehe. Most damage we got from a thunderstorm was flooding. Other than that, they keep the grass green, the skies purple and my eyes shut.
Iv'e Always Loved Them But Since I Moved Last Year Even More So. Where I Lived Before Had No Veranda So I Had To Watch Them From An Open Door Or The Carport, But My New House Has A Wrap Around Veranda So If The Storm Starts To Get A Bit Rough All I Have To Do Is Move To Another Side Of The House.... Cheers Glen.
The east, NSW and Queensland, have had a few good ones in the last 6 months or so. Here on the west, it is sun as usual lol, although we had some rain this past wknd. If we get a good storm and the right conditions, looking at it roll in from the west, from a view on the beach, it is a sight
Try to understand the nature of your fear. Are you panicked from the loud noise? Are you afraid of being struck? If you're afraid of being struck, know that no harm will come of you when you are indoors. Electricity takes the path of least resistance, so as long as you are not the tallest object on a plane, and that you are no standing in a grounded metal bucket of water, holding a metal pole high in the air, then you will be okay. The odds of being struck by lightening are very high. Most often, ignorance of something can bread fear, so understanding what you're afraid will most of the time alleviate that fear.
generally thunderstorms are kind of annoying. a lot of my work involves planning outdoor events, and then every time there's something that a bunch of people actually show up for, some lightning comes by and says "fuck you, cancel it now!" plus, there's the power outages, and the tree branches that keep falling really close to my truck. and i greatly prefer driving with open windows as opposed to air conditioning, but that's out of the question during a storm. and after the storm, everything is all wet and hot and humid and those annoying biting flies are everywhere. that said, if none of the annoying factors are involved, the thunderstorm itself is a pretty cool phenomenon. and that time just before the storm when it's cooler and dark and windy is probably my favorite weather to be outside in.
My fear has nothing to do with the lightning, rains or wind. It is solely those loud sharp cracks of thunder. Even the brontide does frighten me but that is because I feel it's just an announcement to impending deafening thunder.
Huh? Could you really be this ignorant? Thousands of people die around the world from thunderstorms every year. I am not talking about hurricanes, tornados or any other unique storms. Also consider the amount of injures and property damage that people incur during thuderstorms from intense winds and floods. What's it going to do to you????? yeeesh!
trees can fall on people and houses in bad thunderstorms..... They donot terrify me, but I do take cover on a lower floor....with animals.