Okay, So i do not have a physical addiction or withdrawals in that sense, but my brain is still craving opiates and cocaine. I don't know how to describe it, but it's like my brain is "dry" an needs opiates so saturate it. It's a really weird feeling. Almost that "my brain hurts" feeling when i was withdrawing from Xanex or heroin when i was shooting it a bunch of days in a row. But it's more mental now, It's still hard and I am trying to deal with this feeling and not using. And no, I am not crazy or anything, I am just trying to get over the mental part of addiction.
Did you quit cold turkey? Also, have you considered a non-addictive anti-anxiety med? For me the metal withdrawals were much easier to handle on Subs although now that you're past the physical stuff I wouldn't suggest Subs. Do whatever it takes to keep moving forward man, ain't no shame in asking for help. Many of us have been there just like you, ask a Dr. if you can even if you don't have a good relationship with any. Finally, your posts over the last 4-5 days have been all over the place from I'm quitting, I'm not addicted to finally you are fighting the mental withdrawals of addiction. How about get your story straight before posting again!
"I wanna get high, man" Okay.... well you have to decide to or not. Life, and who you are, all comes down to the choices you make - they're the only thing that makes you who you are. It can be easier when you can reduce it past the urges, to the choices - it's not hard to choose to not do something, any given moment, if you don't include the rest of eternity in that choice. You don't have to "quit" in some temperance movement type puritanical way or whatever, and still not use any drugs. Just make the right choices. Take responsibility for who you are now, and in the immediate future (the one immediately following now). Don't be weighed down by irrelevant theoretical distant future scenarios - quitting in that sense is not a necessary or even helpful part of not using drugs - or not doing, or doing, anything.
if you can get acupuncture/chinese herbal medicine, this could help you seeing an md might help you NA meeting may or may not be your thing, but folks there may have some info on quitting resources staying as far away as possible from your drug of choice and people who use can help hope that you can get through this!
when you think about using, just do something else. i know that sounds lame but if you can distract yourself with something else, eventually the urge to use will go away. of course it will surface again, but generally doesn't last very long and will get better the longer you stay clean. try to avoid people/places/things that will remind you of using also. in the end it's up to you, to recognize/decide that your drug use is a problem. judging by some of your posts over the last couple years i would say that you do have a problem with drugs that can/does lead to making poor decisions that could possibly lead to other life problems besides physical addition such as incarceration due to taking unnecessary risks in the pursuit of getting high. i don't mean this to be offensive, sometimes it's easier to see from an outside perspective but you I am sure have recognized yourself that you do have a problem with certain substances, and that is why you are getting clean. i do my best to avoid certain drugs that i believe i myself have a problem with as well. regards, ace k
Thank you, and yes, I do admit I have had a problem. Getting better every day and I appreciate the advice. I just wished I listened to the wiser folks and never stuck a needle in my arm. It's so hard to break the mental habit and having a bag of dope and a syringe. I realized that i am also obsessive compulsive, and that fuels my addiction even more. I am taking vitamins and supplements as suggested in some addiction help books, also doing yoga, skateboarding, paddle boarding and swimming to get a natural high. Trying to avoid the all too convenient "shortcut" to feeling good.
Runners high is a hell of a high. And the self-reinforcing satisfied/achieving mindset loop that comes with it is great, too. I suggest bicycling. Preferably up really big hills or small mountains.
I am in no way comparing nicotine to narcotics, but I realized at some point my cigarettes cravings were a manifestation of my anxiety and restless mind. Once I removed or focused on that anxiety instead of the craving, I no longer desired cigarettes. I think you need to somehow deprogram your brain and its memories of drugs. The longer you go without them the less you will have those vivid memories. And you should try to create new thrilling memories that will leave a lasting impression on your psyche. From the little I've read about Ibogaine treatment, it somehow deprograms the opiate addiction in the brain.
I'm on and off the opium Alito perfume to cut the people who have been in the areas that it's around when I get clean and I normally do get back on methadone maintenance for help