Well, technically I'm part of the animal kingdom, but I'm not a unicorn. Nor am I a doily. It's just a random phrase that popped into my head when I was creating an email account. You, however, may call me Doyle. Or not. It's not my real name anyway, and someone else may want it back. Time for a cup of tea and a lie down. Thank you for reading.
This is what I keep telling myself, but I do get confused over the difference between fucking and eating.
Hi CoRn, DO enjoy the wonderful, amazing, magical Hip Forums .. by all means. Already I am intrigued by your grand presentation here: "Time for a cup of tea and a lie down. Thank you for reading.". Simply fantastic. I thank your mother for giving birth to you. Thanks a lot, doilytheunicorn's mother! :daisy:
And I thank your mother for giving birth to you, ginalee14, for that was a most warm welcome! And it's for this reason that I think Mother's Day ought to be every day. Who's with me? And I fully intend to enjoy this place. Here I can truly be me. Or a magical doily with a proclivity for hot beverages and napping. Happy sigh.
"I am not an animal. I am a human being!"....elephant man, and he was a human being....a gentleman, in fact.
I watched that film about John Merrick when I was a child. I remember being moved by him and his plight. He seemed like a kind, gentle soul who would be forever judged by his outward appearance. And then I spent that night cowering under the blankets, worried that he'd come and get me in my sleep. I'm such a hypocrite.
Really? I just liked him and felt sad for him.... I would have hugged him many times, if I knew him.... That film makes a forever impression.
Well, in my defense, I was just a dumb kid at the time. I'd have conflicting emotions about a lot of things. Actually, I still do. Damn, I'm still just a kid aren't I... But I do agree. That film does make a forever impression. It's just about one of the saddest I've ever seen.
Please, stop it. Now you're just delighting me and I'm thriving and writhing in it. Let's just nip it in the bud right here. You don't want to know what sort of things I sprout, CoRn (such as, your new name that I guarantee you hadn't anticipated receiving) ...
And it seems you're giving yourself new names too! Is this a thing? Should I pick a new name for myself now? I've always been partial to something like "Destructicus Marshmallow Feet", but I am also rather fond of "CoRn". The random capitalisation is what gets me thriving and writhing in it. I can't help but wonder about the wherefores and whys of it. How delightful! Time for another cup of tea. (Vanilla with a hint of cinnamon, I'm thinking.) Thank you, PLF! As we like to say down our way: "Your blood's worth bottlin'!"
You're a trip, you're doing me in. Gonna fan, friend, follow, sign up for your e-newsletter... My new name was bound to happen. Held off until the moment was right. Yeah, maybe you were a springboard. Maybe. Have a short tea, not a tall one, mini like real tea cups! Have it dark, but agreeable .. say, a traditional Orange Pekoe .. with some luo han guo for sweetener. It's a keeper! Here is a striking German porcelain for you .. For myself, it has to be the darkest, most robust Italian roast coffee. Although I did fall in love with Starbucks' Tribute .. dark cherry and spice .. one of the most delicious full bodied cups I've ever had. Top 3 all-time favorites