I am disgusted

Discussion in 'Vegetarian' started by ChloeRaine_1, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. ChloeRaine_1

    ChloeRaine_1 Member

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    I just got done watching Super Size ME...for those of you that haven't seen it, its about how fast food is killing us. Anyway, I am disgusted with myself. I was raised a strict vegetarian until I was 9...since then I have turned into a fast food junkie. Everyday that I ate fast food or some nasty crap that I bought from the store I fealt sick inside with myself. I use to be very thin and now I am not thin...on my way to being fat. So I am quiting...no more fast food, no more crappie instant foods at the market. So I could use your help...I am going to buy some recipe books ...but if anyone has some vegetarian or even veagan recipes that you could share with me...I am going to be cooking three meals per day for my lil 2 yr old daughter...so ideas that are yummy but healthy for kids too. I can't believe that i fed her that food...OOOHHH.
    Peace and Love
  2. Fractual_

    Fractual_ cosmos factory

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    healing with whole foods is a good one. anything about healing or whole/raw foods is probably good. then again, any vegan or even vegetarian cookbook is going to be MUCH healthier than whatever the "food" you used to eat was made up of. your library probably has some good free books you can check out.
  3. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    well if your sig pic is you your in no way fat or heavy, your very beautiful
    but one cookbook i really liked was the moosewood cokbook actualy thats the only veg cookbook i ever owned since i usualy just cooked experimentaly
    since then i've gotten lazy tho & i do the veg equivalant of fast food & just eat alotta prepackaged veggie burgers & stuff & i'm really needing a change..i've been veggie bout 22 years now, but i just could use more creatinve & varried stuff too so yea i'd appreciate some yummy recipes too
  4. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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  5. kayte

    kayte Member

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    remember to take it slowly. jumping back into a veg lifestyle too quickly might freak both your body and mind out a bit. cut down on the junk slowly, then think about becoming vegan or, if not, look into more conscious dairy products.
    i recommend 'how it all vegan' as a great child friendly book. it's got chapters dedicated to the little ones.
  6. inbloom

    inbloom as the crow flies...

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  7. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    not to defend the healthiness of fast food(which it isnt), but super size me is a crock fo shit. The guy was eating 5000 calories a day of food..that is 2 and 1/2 times as much as the recommended 2000 calorie diet. Of course he gained weight!
  8. drew172

    drew172 Senior Member

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    yeah but the extra calories was coming form that specific food so basically u just said it was shit cuz he proved his point
  9. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    Wasn't that sorta the whole point of the movie....to prove that eating McDonald's food & only McDonald's food was bad for you. Whether ya ate a Big Mac with fries with a super sized soda & apple pie for lunch & then went back for salad & super sized shake for dinner.

    I have eaten & worked at McDonald's in the past but could NEVER eat as much food as he did in that movie. Guess someone should tell the guy in the movie to go to www.fitday.com that site will keep track of your calories, fat, protien, carbs, iron, & calcium.
  10. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    if you eat 5000 calories of any food and dont burn over 5000 calories, you will gain weight, no matter WHAT you eat.

    Of course, eating 5000 calories of mcdonalds food is worse than eating 5000 calories of 'healthy food.'

    CNN was running a story about a lady who lost 37 pounds eating only Mcdonalds by adhering to a 2000 calorie a day diet. Not exactly the best diet, though.
  11. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    yeah I wouldn't want to spend a month ONLY eating McD's, BK, Carl's JR, or Jack-in-the-Box. I would probably even get sick of the fruit yoplait (which I love at the moment) at McDonald's.
  12. FrozenMoonbeam

    FrozenMoonbeam nerd

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    i always thought the point was that three meals a day from maccas are equal to 5000 calories...which is a lot for only three meals.

    it kind of shows the unhealthiness of maccas, because he really didn't have THAT much food for 5000 calories..i mean compare it to the huge amount of ,say, carrots that you would have to eat to get to 5000 calories.


    and to the original poster - don't forget about http://www.vegweb.com They have oodles of healthy, tasty veggie recipes.
  13. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    it really depends what you eat...

    for instance

    breakfast: bacon egg and cheese biscuit and coffee = 440 calories

    lunch: big mac + medium coke - 770 calories

    dinner:McChicken + Medium Coke + Medium fries = 940 calories

    = 2150 calories a day + a disgusting amount of fat

    you can cut out about 400 calories of that if you drink diet coke too.

    5000 calories is about 9 big macs a day. He was wayyyyyy overeating.

  14. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    he had to try EVERYTHING on the menu for his experiment
  15. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    the point is, he was eating way too much for an unbias take on mcdonalds.


    1) No options: he could only eat what was available over the counter (water included!)
    2) No supersizing unless offered
    3) No excuses: he had to eat every item on the menu at least once

    those were the rules he had to obey. You can easily stay well below 5000 calories while adhering to them. He went way beyond what is normal, IMO.
  16. Dovely

    Dovely Member

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    Actually, the lady was limiting herself to 1400 calories a day, and that's after she'd been typically eating 3000 or so. So naturally, yes, she's going to lose weight. Like you did mention, though, it isn't the best diet, which is obvious. Just because she's losing weight, doesn't mean she's healthy. There is much more to health than weight. She couldn't possibly be eating all the vitamins and nutrients her body needs to stay healthy, and eating their disgusting processed meat which is full of cholesterol, hormones and simply just crap is horrible. In a few years, she will definitely regret this horrible diet she's currently partaking in.

    In health class, they seem to show you a ton of outdated and pointless movies, but I did like that they showed us Super Size Me. Well, it was absolutely disgusting and I couldn't watch several parts because I felt so ill and everything, but it's good to expose the truth. However, I was absolutely appalled at how I'd hear a few people mention how incredibly hungry they were for McDonalds food when we'd have to stop the movie for lunch.

    It's great that you are interested in vegetarianism! congrats! It truly is a wonderful choice, and for so many reasons. I'm sure there are plenty of recipes here (I've never looked, however) but I know I've seen plenty of great ones on the Internet - just do a search on google. Also, there are many forums specifically for vegetarians, and I've seen a lot of really cool recipes on those as well. Good luck!
  17. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    "One person went so far as to make her own independent film about dieting at McDonald's. "Me and Mickey D" follows Soso Whaley, of Kensington, New Hampshire, as she spends three 30-day periods on the diet. She dropped from 175 to 139 pounds, eating 2,000 calories-a-day at McDonald's."


    what i'm trying to say is this: "Documentaries" can be very misleading and are often made to make the director lots of money. Super Size Me and this other documentary i consider to be very misleading about McDonalds.
  18. Dovely

    Dovely Member

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    "But mainly, the 35-year-old Henderson, N. C., woman concocted this unorthodox diet for herself -- she's memorized the calories in almost every menu item, and limits herself to 1,400 calories a day -- because it fits her life."

    "Nothing at the restaurant is off limits, although she's only eaten french fries twice -- you're better off eating two cheeseburgers, she said. It hasn't been easy. She'd been consuming about 3,500 calories a day, and cutting that down to a third left her feeling hungry for the first few weeks."


    I understand that documentaries can be misleading, and the chances of this being absolutely perfect and correct is quite slim (as with all things) but I don't think that the basis of Super Size Me is misleading. It's common knowledge that the crap they serve you is not good for you, and eating it constantly? You're just asking for a heart attack. I don't remember if you mentioned it, or somebody else, but the point about eating nearly 5000 calories and how of course you're going to gain weight, and yes, I understand this. I also understand that there ARE people who eat at McDonalds and other fast food places quite regularly, and they are quite unhealthy. Also, a lot of people do super size their meals and workers are supposed to ask/encourage it. The movie is simply waking people up and helping them to realize they need to make better decisions for themselves.
  19. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    we're talking about 2 different women.

    I guess the bigger question to all of this is: who cares? It is not McDonalds responsibility to make sure that live a healthy life. I would hope that people would know that McDonalds food is quite unhealthy. A big fat greasy hamburger, cmon! It is the responsibility of the consumer to eat healthy foods most the time; and who cares if McDonalds offers super sized food, you can say no!

    This is what i hate most about America: no one is willing to take responsibility for their own actions and instead they blame everyone else for their own faults. McDonalds has not made ONE person fat. The actions of foolish individuals have made THEMSELVES fat.
  20. Hipmoon

    Hipmoon Member

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    I think Super Size Me was a great film and this is why. He was showing that most people today don't eat healthy to begin with. It may not be 3 full meals at McDonald's, but he made it clear that alot of people eat out more than they should. He was showing what the food's ingredients were and how those foods compared to healthier foods.

    He also showed that in the schools today, most of what they serve is not nutritious and not something our children should be eating. He showed how nutrition affects learning and behavior. I mean it was amazing to me what the USDA considered okay for the school menu's. It's all about cutting corners and saving money.

    I happen to know people who actually do eat 2-3 meals a day from fast food and I don't think his experiment was all that off the mark. Fast food is convenient and cheap and most people are too lazy to actually cook healthy whole foods for themselves.

    5000 calories a day is low for most Americans. It's just a fact of life. Our society does not promote good health on a whole and that is why kids today are fatter and adults are having trouble losing weight. We have become a fast food nation. Most fast food products do not have anything even remotely nutritious in them and this film was showing the effects of eating nothing but this filthy grease filled crap.

    Eating healthy is simple and I highly recommend reading this book called " Eating Green". It is a wonderful book that teaches you about eating whole foods and drinking lots of water and staying active on a daily basis. Simple and concise. When you make choices, make healthy ones. Choose fresh whole foods and water over fast food and soda.

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