So why do you think I cant have a girlfriend? Its like girls see me not enough to date such a guy like myself.
I'd have to know way more about you to say with any degree of confidence, why you don't have a girlfriend. But for now, I'll just go with the most likely cause.... do you go up to girls to talk with them, get their number, and take them on dates?
its a blessing dude........girls are nothing but some money and buy a nice car instead
Fast cars get all the chicks... Well, not really but the crashes are entertaining... Just get it on YouTube.
Girls can sense both low self esteem and false bravado as easily as you can smell something that went bad in your fridge... Just be yourself.
also my brother.....most of us feel stupid and dorky around girls...many of us become idiots when in the presence of a beautiful woman......I can only say keep trying and soon enough that magical woman who is just as dorky will appear before you and at that moment it will work........have faith in the universe
if you do meet a woman and she wonders why you have no experience just tell her you have had many chances but have never found the right person....yes.....lie
The girls that you could make interested in you by lying are not the girls that you would find any worth in anyway mate ! Ty hit the nail on the head " just be yourself "
i get what you're saying for the most part, but that phrase is kind of confusing to me. the girls that have worth are usually not interested no matter what...
Some of the worse advice I've ever seen. Of course you have to lie sometimes. Get over that fact, or get used to using your hand. The fact that they are all cold on you when you approach, seems to me like you're slowly shuffling up to them, clearly insecure and nervous and they treat you exactly how you feel, like a loser. This advice is easier said than done, but: Approach girls all the time. Even aim to get rejected. Because after a while, that won't scare you anymore. You'll start thinking 'what's the worst that could happen, they'll reject me? pfft' and then you'll eventually show some more confidence that will make women want to talk to you. Also.... go work on your game, go find a pick up site.
See? You're worrying so much about people's perception of you (other than the women you want get with). Stop being so fucking beta.
So you think I shouldn't care if them girls see me as someone going for all girls and rejected? This is what I am afraid of also.
How the hell are the girls going to know if you go to some random bar or wherever, try and chat up a girl and fail? The only way they're going to know, is if they can see it on your face, your stance, your body language and the way you speak, that you're scared of rejection. Guys who are good at picking up women don't have this fear. They get it either from being an arrogant and narcissistic douche, a rich-nobody-will-reject-me guy, a chicks-love-my-abs guy, or a self confident guy who's learned to master his fear. Here's a funny thing, even if you're a good looking guy, you're probably not going to get hit on as much as an average looking girl. Source for that is The reason douches, rich guys, and muscle buffs get success is because they have something that gives them confidence, whether warranted or not. Reason for the guy who mastered his fear succeeding, is because he identified what's most required and made it happen. The key is to be outcome independent, you don't care if you get rejected or not, you're just there for the thrill of it.