One of my girlfriends friends visited her after finishing a trimming job in Humboldt leaving a variety of weed, hash etc. Amongst the goodies left was a bottle of pot infused Olive Oil. Last Monday morning I was at my girlfriends house. She had told me that she would make coffee if I made breakfast. I figured fair enough so I cut up some sausage, and scrambled some eggs. I reached over and grabbed the olive oil from next to the stove. Not noticing the color since it was in a green bottle and was not marked I made breakfast with it. My Girl offered me a couple of bong rips but I turned her down because I had to work. About an hour later I started walking down the hill to catch the train to work. As I was walking I noticed that I started to feel stoned. I then backtracked my actions to figure out why. By the time I got to work I realized that I was too stoned and had to take the day off. C/S, Rev J
I worked for about 3 hours then went home and crawled into bed in a fetal position for almost 12 hours. C/S, Rev J
Too bad you didn't enjoy it..that doesn't sound fun at all... Did your girlfriend get stoned as well?
She is a bigger stoner than I am. Plus she didn't eat as much as I did. She thought it was funny that it happened to me. So she hardly noticed. C/S, Rev J
i've been spending too much time in the love and sex forums... thought you said your girlfriend's friend came over after a rimming job.
And when someone says they're going to the ATM you think they're talking about Ass To Mouth. C/S, Rev J
So what was your excuse for taking the day off, and did you tell them as you were stoned? Back in college I would get high before class all the time. A few times I ended up skipping class and just listening to music in my car because I was too stoned and paranoid to go to class. I can't function around too many people when I am too high.
same here. as in, every day, usually every class even. it would have been hard to sit through those classes otherwise. grad school was different. they actually expected you to think in some of those classes.
I've never done edibles. I hear they're hard to Guage because it takes so long to get stoned so it's easy to overdose? I had a friend who had weed stem chicken soup and he says he woke up like 12 hours later in bed tripping major balls.
Fortunately my client is also my weed supplier. When I first came in since I didn't know how stoned I was going to be so I was honest about what happened. Fortunately one of his other attendants came in 3 hours into my shift and took over. C/S, Rev J