Hello to anyone reading this. I'm a 26 year old bisexual man. As you can probably guess from my username, I love sex. Especially the prospect of sex with another guy, which I have very little experience with. Had just one boyfriend, never done anal, EXTREMELY curious about it. So much so that it's more or less become my "quest" in life, taking precedence over just about everything else. I'm boiling hot with pent-up sexual desires, and yet I have pretty much no social life to speak of. It makes for a very frustrating situation. I joined these forums recently in the hopes that perhaps talking about these kinds of problems with other people would ease the tension just a little. But whenever I try to get involved in conversation with anyone, it quickly becomes apparent that there is only on thing on my mind. >_< It's like a broken record that I can't shake off. I clearly NEED to have sex with a guy before I go completely crazy, but my living situation and lack of any transportation has my hands tied... and not in the kinky kind of way, either. At this point, there's really not much I CAN do but talk to people about how all I ever think about is sex. But sometimes I can't tell if it makes things better, or worse. This bittersweet melancholy of reaching out to others while being hopelessly stuck in place is driving me insane. What should I do? What CAN I do? I could use some kind of guidance, from anyone out there who cares. :'(
hmmm without knowing much about your living situation, I'd bet that you are not the only one in your neighbourhood who likes to have sex with men, some may not be very open about it, but I think you should definatly try to seek out what opportunities is within near reach of you. Wether talking about it or not makes it worse I honestly don't think it matters, you'll be as horny for cock if you talk about it or if you don't. When talking to people and reaching out it depends on the person your talking to how open they and comfortable they are with tlking about sex, one good advice though would be not to seem to "desperate" since this can turn some people off. Hope my missspellings were correct, and that what I wrote made some kinda sense
Thanks lion. I think I get what you're saying, for the most part. But I just don't know where to begin reaching out to find like-minded people. I think I took a big step in the right direction coming to these forums, though. In the past few days alone I've met some interesting people, who seem almost as horny as I am, haha.
You did take step in the right direction, another step maybe gay dating sites, there doesn't seem to be any bi dating sites. Heck if you were my neighbour I'd probably fuck you
I'm flattered, hehe. And I've been using dating sites for years now. That's how I got with my one and only boyfriend... but that didn't work out in the end. v_v
Dude I totally feel you on the whole 'can't think about anything but sleeping with someone of the same sex' thing. I've been trying to date women for YEARS with no success and it's driving me to frustrated tears! The only thing I can think of is maybe try to look up local lgbt hot-spots near you that you know you can get to/from safely. Otherwise I guess I'd just suggest a dating app.
Maybe try to see if there are any cruising parks near you, found this maybe it can helpp you http://us.menplaces.com/gay-cruising-usa/ otherwise just google it
I grew up hyper sexual. I had a guy to play with growing up as well as the slutty girl next door... Sex only gets really good with the right person or someone willing to show you love in bed. Most of my gay experiences were me pleasing others which i found hot at times but the best gay sex i had was a masseuse that truly loved pleasing others