Hyper-Physical Law

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by wooleeheron, Apr 16, 2024.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Missing law of nature explains the evolution of everything that exists in the universe (msn.com)

    These idiots are a great example of the lowbrow slapstick we can expect in the near future from theorists and philosophers. What they've actually discovered, is that information itself is self-organizing, making the truth sometimes 125% efficient. As useful as their theory might be, it can't explain humor, and only vaguely resembles nature.

    Note, the article talks about fundamental natural law, but it doesn't mention the simple fact, the French have already proven that, sometimes, information can defy causality in the macroscopic world. They're still struggling to create a solely rational sounding theory, as if going to heroic lengths to avoid anyone laughing at them.

    Any linguist worth their salt, would claim they have invented a technical way to describe the nonsense word "meme". Instead of inventing a new word, they decided to invent a new definition for evolution, one that's indemonstrable. You might as well just say evolution is synonymous with reality and the truth, so chant, fart, and be happy, happy, joy, joy!
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024

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