So my husband told me today the reason he watches porn and that is because where I'm asexual and don't have any interest in sex or can even get aroused that he's missing that part in our relationship. And I told him that I wish I could get aroused but I cNt and I don't like for him to give oral that's another reason
Of course the women are paid for their efforts and they do put on a good show. At least I've heard... :O
So are you looking for an answer to a question or some advice, or just expressing yourself and you don't need a response?
Sry yes I'm looking for dome advice is there anything I can do to make me get aroused or even feel the need for sex
I think you reach a certain state in your life, will it change? Hopefully. It would be wrong to pretend and act aroused for his benefit The only idea I can suggest is try things to gauge your response and arousal. Is there anything medical that can be done? Sorry, I don’t have answers but give you questions to consider
Well, ok then, that's the one angle I didn't guess at. Whether there's a chance I could help you, most likely another woman will be better positioned to help you out, would you please provide more information that tells us about you and your situation, information about your husband only needed if you feel it's related to your inability to be aroused. As in: Have you ever been aroused How long ago did it stop How long married Was it better with other partners Do you love/like your husband Why do you think you have this issue When you respond think in terms of speaking and appealing to another woman to help get them interested in responding, I've seen woman respond to this kind of issue better than any man. But I'll do my best.
Well your husband is masturbating because you two aren't having sex (he'd still masturbate, just not as much.... that's what we do). Porn gives you a huge dopamine rush that enhances mastubating by giving an excitement overload. You can go from one scene to the next to reignite that excitement. And once you discover edging to porn, whoa momma! Addicting for sure. Now does it bother you or him that he's masturbating to porn, or masturbating at all? Is the rest of the relationship good, loving, caring, sharing, bonding even without sex? If your ok with not wanting/getting sex and he is ok masturbating to porn, is there a problem? I can't diagnose your condition. Could be hormonal. Could be mental. Finally, at least he's not cheating?
I've never been aroused before that i can remember i'm sure thats something i would remember lol and i have been married for 4 years and he was my first and i was his first i do love my husband very much i couldn't see my life with out him and the reason i say i have this issue is because i have no interest in having sex with anyone i think sex is just something that needs to happen to start a family we do have sex with my husband but only for him to enjoy we have sex 2-3 times weekly
Bet if you said that you WANT to enjoy sex with him and recommend a sex therapist, he’d be on board (since he’ll know you’re not blaming him)…that is if you’re real.
Gotta embrace or go. Acceptance loved that Woman fine but I like to release and play. if I wear out your welcome, then dang! What’s a man to do.