Humans don't control and aliens allowed, some physics problems

Discussion in 'Weird, Bizarre and Mysterious' started by AlienContactee1984, Apr 17, 2020.

  1. AlienContactee1984

    AlienContactee1984 Members

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    Five things of new mathematics by Ar possed in question format for smart people. Show both Newton says with one technical and newton says different with another light weight s lever with tube of sugar and drain acid combined with eyesight of pair of wheels with elastic band hand balenceing with additional of pre pot high metering of anxiousness for coins and cards aids with mortification fear during highs. Show perplexing paper in pen with basketball swast plus butt touching figure with equations using writting pi as denominator stuff for wtf. Show void of pythag paper that according to Newton bowling balls with tubes magnets and springs in tetrahedron with holes can cause compression. With marker testing random figures with Pythagoras and rotation sliding manuvers axioms say pythagfalse or odder (I call them tezeracts). Show a water pump with tube and piston of ball on rod in tube and extraball does Unidirectional Propulsion like scizors closing teleporting open but better. A mass on thirty degree slope requires parallel to slope 1 newton to slide one way and x another, what's coefficient of static friction use wikipediea.
  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I guess anything's possible... :)
  3. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    DrRainbow likes this.
  4. AlienContactee1984

    AlienContactee1984 Members

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    Don't damage or trama me or obstruct freedom, I'm normal martyre non-criminal healthy marter of ceasing to exist than getting that and I've been hostij of thr of those in wtf infini form, balls decap v carq rings lobs tttp eternity damby looping, told by docs and hitters Sickos SK kaypiss lake told vij of all j andarmini and persi and Arabs, this has caused sci-fi fake blass voice only could be heard by spies, total innocence, I hear trash from electronics, like old black water boxes these years the groups wtf tared.
    Five things of new mathematics by Ar possed in question format for smart people. Show both Newton says with one technical and newton says different with another light weight s lever with tube of sugar and drain acid combined with eyesight of pair of wheels with elastic band hand balenceing with additional of pre pot high metering of anxiousness for coins and cards aids with mortification fear during highs. Show perplexing paper in pen with basketball swast plus butt touching figure with equations using writting pi as denominator stuff for wtf. Show void of pythag paper that according to Newton bowling balls with tubes magnets and springs in tetrahedron with holes can cause compression. With marker testing random figures with Pythagoras and rotation sliding manuvers axioms say pythagfalse or odder (I call them tezeracts). Show a water pump with tube and piston of ball on rod in tube and extraball does Unidirectional Propulsion like scizors closing teleporting open but better. A mass on thirty degree slope requires parallel to slope 1 newton to slide one way and x another, what's coefficient of static friction use wikipediea.
  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  6. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  7. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    I always imagine posters like this are the first AI babies, emerging from the digital swamps and trying to make sense of the world.
    themnax likes this.
  8. AlienContactee1984

    AlienContactee1984 Members

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    Hitman said during Trump times often against mr x (I'm not saying who for safety) says sever torture and lobotomy testicle cut off torture at Kaiser with zero logic behind the talk and it was said via mystery radios.
  9. AlienContactee1984

    AlienContactee1984 Members

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    Aliens allowed control my brain and I had contact thatin past and it was humans threatening me thru radios, stuff was posted in photographs and was portion of career in addition to fourty time machine designs some physics experiment designs some theorems that might be missing that I posted in my life the previous two presidencies after having alien contact in my rooms: text peices really posted from this phone in this spot here, in addition some things I discovered areand thatfound solution for new for,ofew mathematics by Ar possed in question format for smart people, both with Newton says withn technical and Newton says with technical different with another light weight s lever with tube of sugar and drain acid combined with eyesight of pair of wheels with elastic band hand balenceing with additional of pre pot high metering of anxiousness for coins and cards aids with mortification fear during highs. Show perplexing paper in pen with basketball swast plus butt touching figure with equations using writting pi as denominator stuff for wtf. Show void of pythag paper that according to Newton bowling balls with tubes magnets and springs in tetrahedron with holes can cause compression. With marker testing random figures with Pythagoras and rotation sliding manuvers axioms say pythagfalse or odder (I call them tezeracts). Show a water pump with tube and piston of ball on rod in tube and extraball does Unidirectional Propulsion like scizors closing teleporting open but better. A mass on thirty degree slope requires parallel to slope 1 newton to slide one way and x another, what's coefficient of static friction use wikipediea. The Kaiser testicle cut off tortures extrare believed beyond imagination to be so teorristic against many normal people that didn't do shit such as me.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
  10. Gul Dukat

    Gul Dukat Kanar, anyone?

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    Seriously the worst AI ever. I actually get angry reading the nonsense. Can’t we do any better than this?
    Tyrsonswood likes this.
  11. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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  12. AlienContactee1984

    AlienContactee1984 Members

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    I meant text on this forum.
  13. AlienContactee1984

    AlienContactee1984 Members

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    I didn't see your post on this forum, please don't be offended that last post was meant to be right after previous.
  14. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Easy fix... don't read it. I can't get passed the first sentence at the most.
    Princess_Andrews likes this.
  15. .
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2020
  16. .
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2020
    scratcho and Candy Gal like this.
  17. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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  18. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    does the presence of a period actually qualify these word jumbles as sentences?
    DrRainbow likes this.
  19. Dax

    Dax Members

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    Then sledging that a bankgle was ripe, I glanced in there mong the stones and wet and oh wot? Not a tall all one at all, no but round the back sat a taf. Ooh ooh henkle it stub!

    Looks all around like it swallowed two porpsh so the belly prostructed out and said: “Wibble wobble” like jelly on a plate or a seated blamongrel before it set in the double door freeze box!

    Then the son and the beach nut one with a mike said: “Hoo hoo hoo!” and goes one place with youngs in caps and no shoes but bare knees two on all! Graphic blitz and hairy pirate hair shone all about like a century of gold were a twitter!
  20. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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    Candy Gal likes this.

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