In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, evil is just a disease and corpses are fertilizer. I guess most people aren't ready for the disease thing. But interesting note on the last one. We do use corpses for fertilizer. Sometimes people return their loved on to the earth, in the hopes a tree will sprout forth. In the Middle Ages, in fact even two hundred years ago, that would be scandalous. Autopsies, cadavers, cremation, embalming. Even just burying above ground. It was scandalous. Everyone was to be buried in a churchyard with a coin on each eye. But you know. I brought up on a message board once. It is horrible what we do to Egyptian mummies. The pharaohs thought they'd be going onto Hall of Maat. And then Sekhet-Aaru or the Field of Reeds. That's nonsense, of course. But I asked, what if we did that to George Washington? Put him on display in a museum. And a member of that board said he'd have no problem with that. Plus isn't that what already do with George Washington? Have you ever been to Mount Vernon? It's a museum. Or even Arlington Cemetery? People there are walking around with cameras. And balloons.
I have already bypassed all this shit and donated my body to a medical school. Surely if a person has religious beliefs, what happens to the corpse is immaterial if the thought is that the spirit will pass to some higher level. If not, the whole thought of what happens after death is irrelevant.
Tomorrow always comes, eventually. I'd always thought a cremation would be best, but now second thoughts arise about the air pollution resulting from that. Worms in the earth are too creepy for me... Best not think about it too much on such a sunny day!